chapter 12

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1 month later
" I can't tell, Colby " I said crying on to  my knees leaning against the wall. " Andra, u have to he will understand" kat said rubbing my back as I held the pregnancy test to my chest which read positive .

" Trust me It  will be fine , Andra" kat said. Then we heard a knock at the door . Me and kat both looked at each other . " Guys r u ok" Sam said from the other side . Kat opened the door to let Sam in ." Trust me he can help " she said . " Help with what , Andra y u crying Im so confused "  he said trying to look at my hand to see what I'm holding . " Sam" I cried as I showed him the test. " Omg Andra" he said in excitement hugging me ." What was Colby's reaction" he said with a chuckle . "That's what I'm afraid of " I said wiping my tears .

" Wait u haven't told him" he said raising an eyebrow . " Sam, I'm scared" I said  . " What's going on " Colby said coming in . He saw my eyes and came to hug me . " Babe why were u crying " he said pushing one hair behind my ear . " Were gonna let u guys talking in private " kat said taking Sam's hand and walking out of the bathroom closing the door behind them ."Andra?" Colby asked . "I'm..I'm pregnant " I blurred out. " What!" He screamed .

"This can't be good " I heard kat whisper from the other side . There was a second of silence when Colby finally said  " Babe..that's amazing"  hugging me. " Really?" I asked still scared . "Babe that's the best thing u have ever done for me , and u saved my life like 3 times " he said with a chuckle.  Colby opened the door to reveal Sam and kat with their fingers crossed .

" Guys I'm gonna be a father " Colby  jumped in excitement . " That's great bro " Sam said giving Colby a bro hug . " Wait.." Sam said " what " me and Colby said at the same time " u guys had sex when me and kat were kidnapped , u guys had the  time to have sex " Sam said with a chuckle. Colby let out a nervous chuckle and I was going different shades of red each second . " How r u gonna tell your fans " Sam said looking at Colby " fans?" I questioned .

" Yh ,me, kat and Colby are kinda social media stars " Sam said ." I never new that " I said with a chuckle . " Well I think I'll make a video introducing Andra as my girlfriend and then in a week or two I'll tell them I'm a dad " Colby said rubbing the back of his neck. " Sounds, good" Sam said with a bright smile that made me feel good again .

Later that day *

"Hey guys it's me Colby , and I'm here with the most beautiful person I could ever dream of being with .." he said hugging me . " Andra" I said with a nervous chuckle to the camera. It's only a camera but know thousands of people would watch it made me anxious. " No this is not click bait at all ... Andra is my girlfriend , shes the most beautiful girl I have ever seen , and she makes me a better person each day , and to prove she my girlfriend " he said moving closer to me .he smashed his lips onto mine . " I hope you guys are gonna be supportive about it " he said placing an arm around me . "Sorry this is a short video but tonight, Me , Brennen ,Andra and Sam are gonna explore a haunted grave yard , so two videos in one day" . He said doing all sorts of hand gestures." Bye love u " he said before ending the video. 

Later that day I got alot of followers on Instagram , and then he posted the video

Later that day I got alot of followers on Instagram , and then he posted the video

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(Pretend he never posted it 7 months ago 😂)

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