💙 Aim For My Heart

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Requested by: ImmortalPsyche
Genre: Fluff-angst, Modern Greek Mythology!au, Demigod!Taehyung

This is not the ErosxPSyche au sorry Psyche TT too many stressful events happened in that myth, I can't keep up with the angst. And I don't want to make Taehyung blind like Eros >.<

Really long like 4,547 words because I love Psyche and she says she misses me aww.


The target is in sight. Taehyung jumps off from the ledge he is sitting on and prepares to aim his bow at the unsuspecting girl. Making sure he does not see her, Taehyung points the sharp arrow towards her chest, her heart, then releases the string, the arrow flies towards her at speed and pierces the muscle. She stands there for a bit before regaining her consciousness, she shakes her head and continues to walk by until she passes Taehyung's hiding spot.

The boy and the girl will cross paths today at 2:14 in the afternoon. When she looks up from her phone, their eyes will meet then they will fall in love. It's not Taehyung's doing, but destiny's. Taehyung's just there to make sure it happens.

Taehyung cracks his fingers before getting a list from his back pocket, checking off the names of the couple he just matched.

Lee Taemin ✔ — Son Naeun ✔

Another pair chosen by destiny to be happy together. The gods aren't that bad: sometimes mean and self-conceited, yes, but they want the people on Earth to be happy as well. Before suffering in the underworld, that is. Oops.

Going back to his car, he reads the next person his list but something peculiar certainly is happening. The person seems to have no partner. How can Taehyung match-make him if he doesn't have a soulmate?

"Headquarters?" Taehyung speaks through his phone, now seated inside his car as he throws his crossbow and arrow case on the backseat. "Eros speaking." The person, god rather, spoke on the other line. "Hyung, it's Taehyung."

"Hello there, little brother. What can I do for you?" Taehyung isn't just any kind if cupid: he is the son of Aphrodite, Eros' brother. Literally the younger brother of the god of (erotic) love so he is the demigod of (playful) love himself: he's half-human, but Aphrodite loves him the most among his hundreds of half-siblings. After Eros retired from his cupid business to raise a family with Psyche, Taehyung had taken over his job and goes around shooting and making people fall in love and all that crazy talk.

But hey, Taehyung's not complaining. As long as his mother keeps on sending him big loads of money through his bank account, he'll do as the goddess pleases.

"I was given a new set of matches today, everything's going well but there's this one person without a soulmate's name? I mean, how can that be? How should I do this?"

Eros hums, a faint tapping on the keyboard tiles is heard before he speaks again, "Just shoot him."

"Wh— I'm confused."

"If he's on the list, then maybe you're supposed to shoot him. Some people's soulmates' names appear after the person gets shot."

"Okay, then. I'll be going now. Bye."

The GPS from the gods beep as soon as he presses enter to find the person he's looking for. He cannot magically appear and disappear like his brother can. Ah, the cons of being a demigod.

As soon as Taehyung arrives at the location, he gets off and enters the café carrying his bow and arrows as he enters. None of the humans suspect him, though. The instruments he uses are invisible to the eyes of the mortals; invisible to every mortal but one.

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