Chapter one: The commander's fall

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Hovering over the Unova region was Team Plasma's air fortress. Our heroes, Ash, Cilan, and Iris stood on one side of it while the evil organization stood on the other. They all got their pokéballs ready, but someone stopped them.

Team Plasma's commander, Sierra. To Ash, she looked completely different before she betrayed them. All innocent, nice, and loyal. But now? She was a completely different person in her Team Plasma uniform. Here she is, the right hand girl to Ghetsis.

"You, need to leave." She said coldly.

"Why are you doing this?!" Ash yelled.

She lifted her head, facing them. Getting a pokeball ready, they couldn't really see her facial expression through her mask over her mouth. "Don't you see that we're trying to make Unova a better place? Just face it, without us, Pokémon everywhere will be abused and treated like servants the rest of their lives. And I'm not going to let it happen."

"Don't YOU see that Team Plasma is using you? They've messed with your head, Sierra. Trust me, Team Plasma is not what you think it is. They don't care about y-"

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" She stomped her foot with her long, high heeled boots, then threw one of her Pokéballs out. "Go! Vaporeon!"

Out came the water type Pokémon.
It growled at the group and barked with its sharp teeth.

"Use hydro pump!!"

"Vaaaaaaporeon!!!" It released a gush of water from its mouth.

Ash counterattacked. "Dodge it, Pikachu!
Use thunderbolt!"

"Piiiiiiika.. chu!!!!!!"

Vaporeon was zapped by thunderbolt and fried to a crisp.

"Vaporeon, no!" She ran to it. "Are you okay..?"


In anger, Sierra returned her Pokemon and reached to grab another one, but before she could, they were all interrupted.

"I'm just getting warmed-"

"-That's enough, Sierra. No more battling." A voice said from upstairs in the shadows.

It was Team Plasma's leader. Ghetsis.

"S-Sir!" She saluted.

"The next step of our plan is about to come into action, Sierra. Reshiram will finally be ours, and I do not need you causing a scene with these people. You wouldn't want me to give your position as admin to someone else, would you?"

"Sir, no sir!" She stood at attention.

He chuckled. "Good. Now.. Take these people and throw them out of here, I don't want our plan of world domination to be disrupted.."

"Yes s-" Sierra was about to take his orders but she stopped. "Wait.. world.. domination? But I-I- thought that we were saving Pokemon from abuse and-"

"Oh my little admin.. it's about time that I told you the truth. Those Pokemon we took, weren't being abused."

"What?!" Sierra exclaimed in shock. "Then why were we taking them from so many people?!"

Ghetsis sighed and laughed again.
"Why.. we are using them for our Pokemon army of course. Do you really think we Team Plasma we're trying to do good? All we want is to rule the world. Not anything else.
Do you understand?"

Then it finally hit Sierra. Everything she's been doing.. all those Pokemon she "Saved" was nothing but an evil scheme to rule the world.. she.. took those Pokemon from so many innocent people.. they weren't helping Pokemon that were in trouble. She felt ashamed. The team she knew, the people she trusted, were nothing but traitors. In anger, she threw her mask off.

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