Teddy Bear.

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I unlocked the door and entered the house creeping in. I locked the door behind me and began tiptoeing through the house. I heard his melodic hums coming from his playroom. I held a large mint green teddy bear in my hands and approached his room.

I looked through the partially open door to see him on the floor, his legs in the air kicking back and forth, colouring in his colouring book. He was facing away from the door. I could easily sneak up on him.

I placed the teddy bear behind the door and entered the room, trying to not make a noise. Slowly I descended so that I was hovering over him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before relaxing on top of him. He flinched but then relaxed when he realised it was me. "Daddy, you scared me," He exclaimed playfully.

"Hi, baby," I kissed him again before getting up and lying beside him. "How's my favourite boy doing today?" I asked him, hugging him tightly and kissing him on his cheek again and again.

"Fine," He giggled as I still kissed him. "Wait, I want to give you one too," He whined. I stopped my kisses to let him kiss me on the cheek. He giggled as he pulled away and continued colouring.

"Did you put your toys away?" I asked him and he nodded. "Did you eat breakfast?" He nodded. "Did you shower today?" He hummed and nodded. "Did you get your tickles today?"

"My wha-" Before he could finish his sentence, I began to tickle him all over. He started laughing loudly, making me smile. "Stop, I think I'm gonna pee," He exclaimed. I substituted my tickles for kisses and left little kisses all over him.

"What do you want for lunch today?"

"Dino nuggets!" He responded happily, making me smile widely.

"Alright, muffin," I got up and left the room, taking the bear with me. I had to move it. If he saw it before I gave it to him, it would ruin the surprise. I bought it for him as a reward for being such a good boy all the time. Ever since he first saw the bear, he wanted it so bad. I took it up to the bedroom and hid it in my closet.

I went back down to the kitchen and brought out his dinosaur nuggets and fries. I heated them up and put them on his favourite plate with stars and smiley faces on it. I took a juice box out of the fridge and set it down next to the plate. "Avi, your food is ready!" I called out for him.

"Yay!" I heard him exclaim from the room. He came out and began to walk to the table. He sat down and began eating. his food. It always made me happy to see him so happy and getting what he deserved. "Done!"

"Do you want a treat too?" I asked him and saw his eyes light up with excitement. He nodded excitedly. "An ice-cream sundae?" I had never seen him so excited before but it warmed my heart. "Go play with your toys, I'll call you when it's ready,"

"Okay!" He ran back to his room, excitedly. I never usually treated him to things like
this. I wanted my baby boy to be a healthy boy but today I think he deserved it. I brought out his favourite bowl and his favourite ice-cream. I scooped some into the bowl and topped it all off with chocolate sauce and rainbow sprinkles.

"Sweetheart!" I called out for him and he rushed back into the room. As soon as he spotted the bowl, he grinned widely. He scurried over to the table again and began to devour the ice-cream. I rushed up the stairs to go get his teddy bear. I hid it behind me as I came back down the stairs. I sat back down next to him as he ate. He finished it and exhaled happily. I picked up his plate and washed it for him, still hiding the teddy bear behind my back. I went back to him and he was poking his belly, giggling each time. "What are you doing?" I asked laughing a little.

"My tummy is stuffed like a turkey," He replied, still poking at it.

I sat down next to him and kissed him on the cheek. "You've been such a good boy," I complimented and he giggled while he continued poking. "You make me very happy,"

"Well, you make me very very happy," He tried to one-up me, making me laugh with joy.

"Do you remember that teddy bear you've always wanted?"

"Uh huh,"

"And I told you that I'd get it for you next time?" He stopped poking and looked at me. He nodded. I pulled the teddy bear our from behind me and showed it to him. "Ta da,"

His face was bright as can be. I handed it to him and he held it tight to his chest. He hugged me tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," He repeated.

"What are you going to name it?" I asked him.

"Snuggabear," He answered. He held the bear up to his ear and whispered to it. "Snuggabear says he wants a kiss from daddy,"

"Well, alright," Avi passed the bear to me and I gave it a kiss. Then I gave him one too.

"Did he say anything else?" I replied in a playfully sarcastic tone.

He held the teddy bear up to his ear again. "He says that he wants to watch the Little Mermaid too,"

"Go sit on the couch and we can watch it together," He rushed over to the couch and sat down. I got the DVD and started playing it. He snuggled up next to me and rested his head on me. The movie began playing and he was having a great time. He was singing along to all of the songs which warmed my heart.

By the end of the movie, he was yawning and stretching. "Do you want to take a nap?" I asked him and he nodded. I picked him up and carried him to our bed. I placed him down and tucked him in with his new teddy bear. "Are you comfortable?" I asked him and he nodded. "Is Snuggabear comfortable?" I asked him and he giggled tiredly. I kissed him on the forehead. "Love you, baby,"

"You're the best daddy in the whole world," He yawned and began drifting off to sleep. I smiled widely and left the room to let him sleep peacefully.

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