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I was in my office writing up some e-mails whilst Avi was downstairs. "Ouch!" I heard him shout. I rushed out of my chair and down the stairs.

"Avi!" I shouted as I came down. I made it down the flight of stairs and ran to the kitchen. "Avi, are you ok?" I looked around and saw the countertop covered in fruit. I looked over at him. I noticed that he was clutching his finger his finger tightly. I looked over at his face and he was crying. Tears were pouring out of his eyes, "What happened?" I softly asked, not trying to startle him.

"I w-was trying to make you something special b-but I called my finger," He sniffled.

I sighed. "Baby, you know you're not supposed to use the big knives," I told him this before and on multiple occasions because I didn't want incidents like this to happen. I hate to see him in any pain. I just wanted him to be happy all the time.

"I-I know, I just wanted to make you something you'd like," He stuttered.

I smiled at him and wiped the tears on his face. "That's very nice, Avi. But you know you don't have to," I kissed him on the cheek, to make him smile. "Now let me see your finger,"

I held his hands as they began to slowly open. "I-Is it bad?" He asked, fearfully. I observed the wound. He had a bleeding cut on his finger.

"Go sit down. I'll go get the first aid kit," I instructed. He walked over to a chair. I went back upstairs to the bathroom. I opened the cabinet and brought out the first aid kit, I never really thought I'd need to use it but I bought it just to be careful.

I went back downstairs to Avi who was sat down in the kitchen. I sat on the chair next to him. I opened the kit and brought out a small bottle of antiseptic. I soaked a cotton ball in the liquid. I looked at him. He looked terrified. "It;s alright baby. It'll only sting a little bit," I reassured him but that didn't change his facial experience.

I took his hand and held his finger. I pressed the soaked cotton ball into his finder and he his in pain. "You're doing great, sweetie," I commented. I released the pressure on his finger. I brought out a box of a variety of band-aids. "Which one do you want?"

He picked out one that had smiley faces all over. I took it out of the box and unwrapped it. I put it on his finger. "All done!" I told him and he smiled sweetly at me.

"Thank you," He responded, still sniffling. I wiped his face to get the remaining tears off his face.

"Does it still hurt?" I asked him curiously and he nodded. "Do you want me to kiss it better?" A little smile came onto his face as he nodded in response. I took his hand and kissed his finger. And then his hand. And then his cheek. "Better?" I asked again. He hummed in response. 

I put all the things I used back into the box and closed it. I looked over at to the kitchen counter to finally see what he was working on. "What were you making for me?"

"A fruit salad because you're fruit," He responded. I pouted at his cuteness. I looked in the bowl and saw all my favourite fruits in there. I couldn't let it go to waste. "Let's finish making it together," I suggested. "Then I'll make you something you like,"

"Really?" He questioned with hope in his eyes, looking up at me.

"I'll make you some waffles to go with the salad," By the smile on his face, I could tell he was screaming happily in his head. His arms wrapped around me. He hugged me tightly.

"Thank you, Daddy,"

"You're welcome sweetie,"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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