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for CheesySoap

I sob uncontrollably into my father's shoulder. He wraps his arms around me. "It's okay, Abigail. She's in a better place now."
I shudder and turn around to look at her. I can't say she looks peaceful. She looks like she died a horrible and painful death.
Which she did.
I march to the door.
A nurse tells me how sorry she is. I shove her into the wall.
I throw open the door, rubbing my eyes furiously.
I storm throw the corridors, to the entrance of the hospital, and I see about 30 people crowded around the small TV on the wall.
The reporter, smartly dressed and pretty, looks terrified. With a look of pure fear on her face, she says, "The US government have confirmed reporta from Nuketown that some corpses have indeed been reanimated and show signs of hostility. If you suspect-"
The TV turns to static.
Nuketown? That's that new place that blew up, wasn't it? Just a few miles away from here.
Suddenly, I'm thrown off my feet by a massive explosion.
I hit the floor hard. I groan, my head ringing, and slowly stumble to my feet. I can barely see anything through the heavy smoke. Choking on fumes, I try to find a way out.
"Abigail? Abigail?" I hear someone shout faintly.
It's my dad. He grabs me by the arm and drags me past all the bodies and the rubble.
The automatic door is jammed. He pulls out his handgun, an Executioner, one that has been a matter of controversy as to whether it should be able to be possessed by citizens, and blasts a hole in the glass door. He climbs out and then puts his hands through the hole.
"Come on, Abigail!" He shouts.
"Get the hell out here!"
My mind is spinning, but my body takes over and I grab his hands and he pulls me through and I cut my face on the glass and I'm screaming and they're all dead and there's blood and...
I wake up back at the farm.
My face stings like hell, my mouth is like a desert and my eyes burn.
"Dad?" I call out weakly.
I hear gunshots from the shed.
And then I realise how much of a wreck the place is.
It looks like it's been hit with a bomb too. The ground is black with small flames all around.
The buildings are scorched too, and the balcony is broken. There's massive holes in the walls of the house.
I run towards the shed, and the gunshots, to see my dad surrounded by people outside it.
But the people look weird. They're missing big chunks of flesh, their skin is a sickly green, and where their eyes should be is a pale blue glow.
My dad fires wildly into the group and they collapse all around him.
Oh god. It's...
It's the zombies that have been all over the news recently.
I hear a twisted, pained scream from behind me and turn around to see one behind me and it's running towards me and my dad shouts, "Abigail!"
I pull my sharpened pocket knife from it's sheath, and slit it's throat. Finally, all those knife fighting lessons have a purpose.
I kick it away.
I hear my dad let out a long, pained scream which is cut short with a ripping sound.
I run towards him, but I knee before I got there what I was going to see.
He's on the ground, covered in blood, his body torn and grotesque.
He's dead.
I'm an orphan.
The zombies around him begin to feed on him, either not noticing or not bothering with me.
Biiig mistake.
I tear the first one open with a knife. Another looks up, and I tackle it to the ground and stab it in the neck.
The last two run at me, and I stab one in the chest, slice through and cut through the other.
I look down at my dad's mutilated corpse. Tears sting my eyes, and I kneel down over him and cry.
But I hear the undead again. Those bastards won't even let me mourn my parents! Rage courses through my blood, and I grab my dad's Executioner from his cold hand.
I blow one of the undead's head off. Thank God dad showed me how to use this thing.
My aim isn't great, and I miss a few shots completely, but I cut through the next wave using ammo I found on my dad's bed.
I notice a white marking on the wall. I walk over to it and see it's a drawing of some sort of gun. What the hell? This wasn't here before.
I reach out to touch it, and an assault rifle of some sort.
I mean, it's not the craziest thing that's happened today. I'll just roll with it.
A small group of zombies sprints towards me, and I mow them down. It feels good.
I look around me, my mind still racing and failing to comprehend the series of events that just took place.
There's a blue beam of light coming from my balcony upstairs. I walk in to investigate, and see some sort of green vending machine in the house. It says "Speed Cola" in big bold letters.
It's a bit dirty, but far too big to be brought in the door.
I walk over, and press a button, and a small green bottle pops out of the machine. I
Nervously, I press it to my lips and take a sip.
It tastes like cheap market own brand coke. Nonetheless, I chug it, and throw the empty bottoms on the floor.
I feel weird. Faster. Or maybe slower. I'm not sure.
I notice the window opposite me is broken. I can see planks of wood outside it that weren't there before. But then, half this stuff wasn't here before.
I lean over and pick up a plank of wood. I notice how quick I am with my hands; much faster than usual. I lift it up to the window to try and fasten it, bit it pretty much just sticks, and a "ching-ching!" sound like that of a till plays from somewhere.
I hear a growl from my right, and turn around to see a group of zombies at the door, saliva dripping from their jaws. And behind them, more, as far as I can see.
I break into a sprint up the stairs, knock down the door, and find another machine. I slam my palm into it, and another bottle drops. I drink it as fast as I can and throw the empty bottle to the floor. I feel stronger, my skin feels rougher. I run out to the balcony, hearing the zombies grow closer.
I find a wooden box with a question mark drawn on it in chalk. A small child's teddy bear sits on top of it.
I walk over to it and lift the lid. A variety of guns cycles in front of me. It stops at a weird red pistol. I think I've seen it on the news, some german scientist made it. I throw the assault rifle off the balcony, and reach out and grab the gun. A ray gun, I think it's called.
Suddenly, I'm hit by a heavy swing from behind. I'm knocked to the ground, the zombie towering above me menacingly. It closes in and leaps at me. I fire the day gun vaguely in its direction and close my eyes, protecting my face with my hand. I feel something thick and wet splash all over my hand and face.
Slowly, when I realise I'm not dead, I open my eyes and find my arm covered in blood. The zombies was torn to shreds by the ray gun. A small smile creeps onto my lips.
I get to my feet quickly.
The room I just came out of is absolutely full with undead, and they're fighting to get out the door. I fire a few shots into the room, and watch the poor individuals at the door get annihilated. I look down at the ground below me. There's no choice. I grit my teeth, and jump.

I slam into the ground. Honestly, I was expecting it to hurt more. Must be that Jugger-Nog stuff from my room. Ignoring the bruning pain, I get to my feet and run. Away from the house, away from the barns, away from my dad, away from it all.

I see something in the distance. Another damned zombie. Thank God there's only one.
I fire at it with the ray gun, but miss every shot. It lets out a scream, but not a twisted, pained one like the other zombies. A human one, slightly girly.
I keep firing anyway, but miss again. God, I have to work on my aim. Deciding not to waste any more ammo, I draw the executioner, and run at it.
On getting closer, it doesn't look all that dead. It looks like a nerdy young man. Slowly, I lower the  the gun.
"Hey! You!" I shout at him.
He visibly jumps. Like, a foot.
He turns around quickly, his arms up, a look of pure terror on his face.
"P-please don't hurt me," he whispers.
I roll my eyes and sigh.
"I'm not going to hurt you, idiot. What... what the hell is going on?" I ask, probably a bit too aggressively.
"I-I think the dead are coming back to life. We found them at nuketown, after the explosion. I'm one of the agents they sent to investigate."
I snort.
"They sent the wrong guy," I remark.
"I hid in a bunker," he says quietly. "I'm the only one left. They... They all died."
"Yeah, well let's not dwell on that. Let's try to work out how the hell we're going to get out of this."
He pauses, and scratches his head.
"I think we should work towards the town."
It makes sense , I guess.
"Alright then. Town it is."
He's wearing massive nerdy glasses, hastily taped together in the middle.
"What's your name, anyway?" I ask.
"I'm... uh... Marlton. Martin Johnson. And you?" He asks nervously?
"I'm..." I can see an opportunity to start over. I mean, everything I won is gone and everyone I love is dead. I need a new name. Smoky? Nah, that sounds stupid.
What about...? I smile. Perfect.
"Misty. I'm Misty."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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