Chapter 1

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The light in the forest

-Knock knock-


-Knock knock-

"Coming!" a pink haired girl shouts, AKA Sakura Haruno.

"Oh hi, Naruto!" She says excited.
"Did you bring it?"

"Heyhey, Sakuraa-chan!" Naruto says
"of course I did!" Naruto gives 'it' to her.

"Naruto you're the best! Thank you!" She says happily "I'll hide it where no one can find it, they'll get the wrong idea."

"Hehe, Sakura as long as you're happy"

Sakura blushes " Yeah Thank you, but it's pretty late so"

"You're right... I'll leave then.. good night" Naruto smiles.

"Good night Naruto" Sakura says before closing the door.

"Hihi I got Sasuke's shirt oh it smells so good and manly... I wish he was here with me... with us" She says a tear rolling down her cheek and falling on the Uchiha symbol on the back of the shirt.

She goes to her room and sits on her bed crying and without realising she falls asleep.


~In the Akatsuki hideout~

"Madara, we still have to capture the eight-tails and the nine-tails." Pain the pierced man says.

"There's plenty of time for my plan don't rush" Madara smirks.

"I'll go take a walk" Madara turns to leave "Don't follow me"


~In the forest~

Madara sits next to a tree looking up at the dark sky till a light appears that almost blinds him.

The same moment a girl with pink hair is also walking in the forest looking up in the sky till her eyes meet a bright light. "What" She falls unconscious.

~The next day~

"Why does it take a whole day to take walk in a damn forest" Hidan says

"I want to go on a mission, yeah. I'm bored waiting for him"

"Patience, he's our leader we can't make a move without him" Pain says.

"Ohnoo what if Madara-chan got attacked and killed?! Tobi wants to go check out to make sure! Who's with Tobi!?" Tobi acts childish as always.

"There's no way he got killed, relax" Pain says annoyed "His powers are not to be compared to just anyone's... You know who he is... he's the Uchiha Madara"


"I'll go search for him, maybe something did happen to him... he is a human afterall" Zetsu breaks silence


~In Konoha~

"Tsunade-sama Sakura's nowhere to be found" Ino says scared.

"What?! Did you look everywhere?" Tsunade says panicked.

"Yyes Tsunade-sama I looked everywhere but I can't find her!"

"I'll call the Anbu.. you can leave now" Tsunade stands up and walks to the window looking over the village.

'Sakura, where are you?'

"Hokage-sama, you called?" The Anbu appears in the office.

"yes, my apprentice is missing I want you to look everywhere even if it means outside the village if you have to but please find her... I can't lose her!"


~Akatsuki hideout~

Sakura wakes up scratching 'her' head. 'huhh... where am I. This is not my room...'

"Madara you are finally awake" Zetsu appears "We've been waiting for you.. I found you in the forest. I don't know what happened but it appears that you were knocked out somehow"

'What? Who is this guy? And did he just call me Madara? Uchiha Madara?' Sakura looks surprised "Who are you?" She gives him a death glare.

"Madara? Did you hit you're head or something?" Zetsu looks confused.

"Don't call me tha-" She look at 'her' hands 'Why are my hands so masculine?' then she feels something between her legs... "AAAAAaaaaaaahhhhh!!!"

Thanks for reading this story! And excuse my English please! I know it's bad but I'm trying my best;-) This is my first story I had this story already play in my head and I wanted to share it with you but with my English it's difficult
I'm sorry this story is not that detailed╥﹏╥ but I hope you still get what I mean! And if you like this story even if you're one person I'll continue this for you:-D

Oh and the picture in the cover I don't own.

「MadaSaku」 Finding myselfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz