Funerals and Michio tries

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A/N:Oh wow, um I'm going to be very honest with you guys I wasn't really expecting anyone to review this much less encourage this thank you all for your reviews and support! (Though I am very afraid of not living up to expectations that I have for this story or you guys, but I do want this fic to be what Ayano and Yan dad never got the chance to have.) I'm going to try my best at writing this fanfic,and I hope to better my own skills since I haven't written anything 2015 (please I beg of you avoid my old fics)? So I'm incredibly rusty but I'll do my best at this promise!

Chapter2: Aftermath

Michio bowed his head, as the priest began the sutra. After being released from the hospital did he start organizing a funeral for Ryoba, the sooner he can get this over with. Family from his side had shown up,friends of Ryoba, and co-workers of his (and even a silver haired man he swore looked familiar) came to pay their respects. He looked for Ryoba's own parents but they haven't yet to be seen, even though they decided to have Ryoba's remains at the Aishi Family burial plot. Helit the stick of incense, and Ayano lit hers next.

Ryoba'sparents never came.

It was only after the prayers had ended and the line of mourners gave their condolences to him and Ayano is when they were finally left alone. The smell of incense burning filled the air, and he took one last glance at the smiling photo of Ryoba, surrounded by a sea of white flowers, before he took a hold of Ayano's small hand (her hand was so tiny compared to his) in his own. It was just the two of them now, and he's going to do his best for her.

"Ayano,"Michio began, he gently lead her towards the door. "let's go home."

Ayano nodded slowly, breaking her gaze away from her mother's face, letting her father lead her away, "Okay."

They walked away together from Ryoba, the door closing shut behind them with a heavy thud.





When returning home Michio decided, after days of eating takeout, he would make them a homemade meal instead.

The first attempt at making dinner for him and his daughter was disastrous. He hasn't cooked since middle school, and after high school Ryoba took over cooking when they began to "date". He thought a simple soup would be easy enough to make, he's practically watched his mother do it many times so it should be easy enough to replicate. It shouldn't be that hard right?

But he so incredibly wrong.

He did his best to make a simple chicken soup, but it came out burnt somehow, the potatoes too hard and the carrots too soggy, the broth too salty and it caught on fire twice. After fighting the second fire, which his brave little Ayano threw baking soda to snuffle the fire out, did he consider going out instead.

"Ah-aha that didn't go how I planned at all!" He laughed nervously, then yelped as he batted away another small fire. He grabs the pot (still pipping hot) with his bare hands and threw it into the sink, as Ayano watched behind him with wide eyes. A small silence filled the kitchen as the soup gurgled down the drain. There was no way of saving that soup, he believed. Turning to his daughter hands clapped perfectly,Michio said brightly," So how about some noodles!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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