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As the sun shines through the window pane and on to my desk, I start to think. Why? First my teacher makes us sit in pairs of two and then makes me sit next to the only person in the world who makes me mad, glum,and happy all at the same time. Randy.

Lean, brown eyes, a smile that can light up a room. That's him. To bad under all of that is a person who will never change and who I'll never forgive.

Suddenly the bell rings.

"Lunch time!" Says Mrs. Snow in her happy tone.

As i get up Randy puts his hand on my shoulder and says in his "i'm innocent voice", " Isn't it just a beautiful day Lane."

I roll my eyes, turn around and smile a little. I have to admit even though I'm mad at him I can't help but laugh at the funny things he says and does. For those moments I forget about everything bad he'd ever done but, when it is over its like a tide coming in all over again revealing the ugly truth. Trust me I want to forget but, what he did was unforgettable.

After that , I walked out of the classroom and down the the hall to the cafeteria. I sit down at the seat I always sit at - the one in the back of the cafeteria- as my friend Sandy goes on about this new book she's reading but, i'm not really listening.

As she continues talking my bestest friend in the whole wide world approaches us. Andy.

" Hey. What's up", I said just as Sandy finishes talking about her story.

" Nothing much", he replies.

We talk for a while about how's life has been and I cherish this moment because they don't come often. Andy is in a different class than me and since all the classes in my grade stay in the say room all day I barely ever get to talk to him anymore.

Finally, the bell rings and everyone walks back to class. As i'm walking through the hall Randy bumps into me and hits my book out of my hand. Before I yell at him because he knows it's coming he races and picks up the book.

" Running There?" He says referring to the title of the book.

" Yes. As if you know about it." I say in a snobby tone.

" I've read it three times."

" Yeah, right"

I take the book from his hand, turn around, and continue to walk.

" As I ran, I knew I was running far but, I felt as if danger was following my every move. I was leaving her behind and in my mind there was nothing I could do. Hurt followed me where ever I went and it was killing me because, I love her", he said re quoting my favorite lines from the book.

I stop dead in my tracks and feel my my cheeks heating up but, I refuse to turn around and look at him. Will this ever stop! Doesn't he see that I will never forgive him and why did he have to recite does quotes out of all the others in" Running There"!

I continue to walk to class, fighting the urge to turn around. When I finally give up, and turn around, he's gone. The way it was not so long ago.

When I get to the door of the classroom, I see Randy already there next to his girlfriend Priscilla. They've been together for months but, their relationship was weird. I mean they were a couple but, he really didn't seem to be into it. I don't know.

As everyone goes into the classroom and sits down our teacher tells everyone to do some math problems. It was Friday and I was thankful I was getting out of here in two hours.

There was about 30 minutes of silence when I noticed that Randy hadn't talk to me since we sat down. I looked at his face. It was like he saw a ghost.

"What's wrong?" I ask, concern.

It took him a few moments to answer. "Lane, hold my hand", he says through clench teeth.

" What?" I ask in a surprise whisper.

" Hold my hand!" He says with anger and fear but, still in a whisper.

I put my hand in his and he holds it tightly. It was still dead silent and before i can ask him why's he doing this, the most scariest thing of my life happens.Two men with machine guns burst through the door and shoot repeatedly, never pausing. Randy pulls himself and me to the floor with full force almost immediately. I grab my purse with my free hand and yells of my classmates fill my ears. Randy begins to crawl and drags me along, never losing the grip of my hand. When we finally get to the door and were almost out of the room I feel someone's blood splatter on my arm.

I wasn't getting out of school anytime soon, that's for sure.


First chapter done! I hope you like it. Any suggestions on who Randy should be for the cast? I already know who Lane is going to be.

Thanks to my two friends who inspired me to write a book and suggested I get a Wattpad account.

Who's excited about chapter 2? I'm going to do Randy's P.O.V. but, you'll have to wait till chapter 3!!!

So who were does men's with guns and what are they after?

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