Chapter 4 - A Shoulder To Cry On

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Hey guys chapter 4! I hope you all like! Sorry it took so long I'm a slow writer.


I am strong, independent and live on my own. But deep inside, I am just a little girl who want someone's shoulder to cry on


Flash Back- 2 years ago

I rolled over and groaned as Shake by Jesse McCarty blares out of my radio alarm clock. I search around for the snooze button until I finally give up and get out of bed. Why was my alarm set, I thought angrily. That when I remembered what today was, the first day of school.

I looked at my alarm clock that read 7:00 A.M, that meant that I had an hour and 15 minutes till school started.

I went inside my bathroom, brushed my teeth, and took a quick shower. Then I came back to my bedroom and started searching for something to wear as If We Ever Meet Again by Timbaland ft. Katy Perry started to play.

"I'll never be the same- if we ever meet again"

"Won't let you get away- said if we ever meet again"

I couldn't help but notice how it related to a certain someone I met a few weeks ago but, sadly haven't seen since. I was starting to lose hope but, not entirely.

I finally make up my mind about my cloths when I put on a navy blue dress with small white polka dots on it and a skinny brown belt. I finished off the look with a dark red blazer, a few accessories , and my sandal wedges. I put some tinted lip balm on and part my natural curly hair to make it more presentable for school.

I walk down stair and in to my kitchen, quickly grabbing an ensure. I grabbed my tote and checked the time. 7:55. I knew my mother was already at work, so there was no point in checking. I left my house and walked as fast as my wedges could take me until I reached the big brown building that's we call school.

I walk down the hall saying a quick hi to everyone I saw. When I finally reached the classroom doors I cheeked my phone and saw that I had 5 minutes to spear. I opened the door and in front of me held people I haven't seen in two and a half months. Their familiar voices' filling my ears was kind of like music to me. As I looked around the room ,my eyes locked with a certain pair and my heart literally skipped a beat. I froze up because I was starring into a very familiar pair of eyes. The same brown pair of eyes I swore I'd never forget.

Eyes, that belong to no one else but,

Randy Cannon.


Lane's P.O. V.

I look at him sleep and know he's dreaming because he's tapping his fingers against the floor of the air vent. That made me remember the time when we were together, he'd always tell me the dream he had about us when he woke up. Back then I thought it was ridiculous but, now I kind of miss them. I looked at him and can't help but think of how cute he looked sleeping. I wonder what he was dreaming about now?

I looked to the right side of me and saw the gun just lying there. I shivered at the thought of all the thinks that could be done with such a simple object. When I look to the left side I see Randy's phone. Suddenly, my curiosity kicks in and I pick it up. I turn it on and see that it is locked. I put in the pass code hoping that it was the same as a few months ago and my heart beat speeds up when the phone unlocks. The pass code was still my birth date.

I go straight to the messages and click Priscella's name. Scrolling through them I can see they had a lot of arguments lately. Also he seemed to miss a bunch of dates with her. Interesting.....

I go through his pictures next. There was a bunch of pictures of Priscella and him. At restaurants, the mall, at his house, and many other places I didn't recognize. I turn to the next picture and I feel my heart skip a beat. I was looking at my favorite picture of him and I. The one he took on my 16th birthday; the best birthday of my life. I knew I kept the same picture of us on my bulletin board in my room. That seemed like the only picture I couldn't take down.

There were a few more pictures of us but, the rest were erased. I suddenly feel his leg move next to mine and I quickly put his phone down. His brown eyes opened and he looks and me. Even though the phone light was dim, I could see all the emotions in his eyes. He seemed.... sad? Well that made sense considering the situation we were in.

"Good morning", he finally says yawning.

'It isn't morning, it's seven in the evening", I say looking at him a little confused.

He doesn't say anything but, instead just smiles a little. I couldn't help but smile back.

After he got up we continued crawling until we reached another racket. There was nothing in the classroom so we kept crawling until we reached another one. What I saw made me whole body freeze up and i felt like I was going to die on the spot.

A boy probably a few years younger than us was sitting in a chair with his hands tied behind his back. Three tall men were standing in a circle around him and one had a gun pointing to his head.

" Where are they?" The man with gun asked through clenched teeth.

' I don't know what your talking about", the shivering boy answered.

Who were they talking about.? They couldn't be talking about us. I don't even know that boy and I'm pretty sure Randy didn't either. I felt horribly knowing that innocent people were going to shot because of students they couldn't find. Like us.

" Maybe this will jog you memory", the man said with his hand on the trigger, getting ready to pull it.

I was ready to jump out and yell as loud as I could. I could feel my heart racing and my whole body shaking. I wanted them to take me instead. I was ready to do all of that with no hesitation but, as soon as I started to reach for the racket I feet an arm rap around my waist and a hand over my mouth. I turned to face Randy.

"Please, don't ", he whispers sadly, a hurt look in his eyes. So much pain was reflected in them it was sort of unbearable. " I can't let you do that."

I was going to respond but before I could I heard a bullet go off and a young boy's scream pierces my ear. I pull out of Randy's grasp and start to crawl. I couldn't look because I knew my heart would stop beating the moment I did. So I crawled as fast and as quietly as I could until I was out of ear shoot.

I felt the tears coming and I knew I couldn't stop myself from crying. I was shaking and trying to convince myself that this was all a dream, but the more I cried the I more I understood that this, was in fact my reality. Just as I was about to let another sob I felt a hand around my waist and Randy pulled me in as I cried on his shoulder.

He didn't say anything. He just stroked my hair as and I continued to cry. I finally tilted my head back to look at him. His eyes were glossy and he looked like he was in pure shook.

I realized that on any other day I would probably push him a way but, right now their was no place I'd rather be.

The crying stopped after a period of time but, I still couldn't leave his side. I felt safe for the first time since this terrible event started and before I knew if I was fast asleep in his arms.

Just like the old times.

But, I swore before I feel asleep I heard him whisper, " I'l be here for you, always have, always will be."


What do you all think. Comment, Vote, fan!! I will try upload again soon. If u don't mind go check out my other book called My Life with the Conrad girls.

Okay now. Adios!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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