Chapter 2- The Air Vent

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I was befuddled by the events that just took place. It took me a few moments to process what had happened in the last five minutes. Randy had pulled me out of the classroom and into the hall. I was still on the floor and I felt like passing out. When I looked right down the hall I saw more men with machine guns bursting into the other classrooms. There was about ten of them. Randy pulled me to the left and entered an empty room. He let go of my hand, looked the door, and put a broom under the handle, the wall and desk supporting it.

That's where we were now; in the corner of the empty classroom on our hands knees, trying to stay as far away from the door as possible. I look at Randy and see that he is just as scared as I am. He's trying to keep calm but that was obviously not working.

He looks around with determination in his eyes, trying to find some way out. Then his eyes land on me and I know he can see how scared I am. He holds my hand again with a tight grip and I can tell how nervous he is because of how sweaty they were getting.

'Lane, it's going to be okay", he says in his most believe able voice, looking horrified.

I shake my head knowing that's not true. Randy continues to look around and when it seemed he found what he was looking for he tells me to look. He pointed and I was staring dead at the air vent on the other side of the room.

I immediately know what he wants me to do. I shake my head hard in disapproval.He puts his hands together and plead silently.

" No way", i say in a whisper.

Before Randy could say anything we hear another bullet, this one closer to the door. We both flinch and I can feel my heart beat speed up. Unexpectedly, Randy puts a hand on my shoulder and looks straight into my eyes. His dark brown ones staring into mines. This surprisingly calmed me down like it did in the pass and I don't know why.

Another bullet rang out and I let go of his grip as fast as I could. I started crawling immediately to the air vent knowing that Randy was right behind me. I fumble to take the racket off until he gave me a hand and got it off. Now I was starring straight into the air vent, the space was big enough for Randy and I to fit through. I crouch really low and then go in, Randy following right behind me. He puts the racket back on and we move over a little so were of out room view. Both of us were trying to catch our breaths and I actually thought we were okay for once.

That's when we hear the door break open. I was about to scream the loudest I've ever but, Randy's hand flies over my mouth in an instinct. His intense eyes meet mines again, calming me down for the second time that day. Why was this happening? But, I have to admit I was grateful he had that kind of power over me.

I couldn't really process what the men were saying to one another because I was so focused on Randy but, I know he was listening

But, I did hear one of them say " Someone was in this room". My blood ran cold at these words.

After about ten minutes they left. Randy and I started to crawl in the air vent and i could feel we were on a slope going up. The vent was dusty, dark, and kind of cold.

We started to get tired so we stopped crawling and took a break.

" We need to see where we're going. Do you have a flashlight or your phone in your purse?" Randy says in a whisper.

" Yeah, but it's too bright. Someone might see the light through the racket and know someone is up here." I say in responds. " Don't you have your phone on you?" Knowing he always kept it in his right jean pocket.

" Um...... Yeah, I do. I forgot."

He takes his phone out of his pocket and shines it; seeing each others face for the first time since we've been in the air vent.

We stare at each other in complete awkward silence, not knowing what to do.

" What are we going to do?" I ask finally

" What do you mean." His eyes still staring me down.

" How are we going to get out of here and why are does people in our school?"

It took him a while to answer. " I don't know but, I promise you we will find out. "Okay", he said in a stern but truthful voice.

For the first time in a really long time I believed Randy but, I couldn't think of what to say back. So I simply say " Okay" and that seemed to be enough for him.

I felt a new feeling coming on and I couldn't explain it. All I know is that it's directed to Randy and suprisingly it wasn't hate or anger, for the first time in a really long time and I think it might be graduate and mix of something else. Shockingly enough it as happy about this.


HEY!!! Chapter 2... Finsh and Done... Yeah!!! Next Chapter Randy's P.O.V. !!!!

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