Late Night Ideas

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I'll probably add more to this but whatever

*Hamilton but all the guys have high heels and the girls have suits
-Thomas in fucking stilettos
-Hamilton wearing the absolute tallest heels he can get away with just to feel tall
-Burr breaking his ankle when he jumps up on the table in The Room Where It Happens

*Hamilton but everyone has a hat

*Hamilton but Laurens is replaced with a turtle

*Modern au: phones
-Iphone: Jefferson, Laurens, Lafayette, Eliza
-Android: Mulligan, Angelica, Peggy
-Blackberry: Burr, Madison
-15 year old Nokia: Washington, Hamilton

*Morning people VS. Night owls
-Morning People: Jefferson, Eliza, Washington, Lafayette, Herc
-Night owls: Madison, Angelica
-Both/no concept of time: Hamilton, Peggy, Laurens

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