The Polite

636 32 1

After resting in first block with a well deserved nap, and basically doing nothing in second block, I'm starving for something to eat.

I was currently standing in line in the lunch room.

Today's menu was soup or a ham sandwich. I decided that since it's kinda hot outside, I'd go for the ham sandwich. I like those better, anyway.

"One ham sandwich with cheese, please." I tell the lady behind the glass making our sandwich. She nods and puts a slice of cheese on my bread along with the ham.

As if on cue, my stomach growls.

Yes, I'm aware you're hungry. I'm going as fast as I can.

I walk up to the money lady to pay her.

"That will be 2.75$" She says.

"Okay," I say and begin to shuffle through my pockets for money.

"I'll pay for her."

I see a hand drop a five dollar bill on the table. I quickly trail the hand to the arm, and eventually to the face.

Holy moly. Red hair. Best body. Jimin.

My face gets red as he looks down at me. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's eat." He says as he lays his arm around my shoulders.

I grab the plate and walk with him, my heart beating a thousands times in a few seconds. I can almost  guarantee that my face is the color of a beet.

Why is he doing this? Why did he pay for me? Where are we going?

Only then do I realize that our sides are touching because of his arm around me. Great, as if I didn't have yet another reason to get redder.

Every place his body touched mine seemed to burn as if it was on fire. I was definitely not used to touching a guy.

"Let's sit here." He says. I look over at a booth.


I sit down first, my tray shaking as I do. Gosh, I'm a nervous wreck. My hand are shaking so much.

I take a sip of my water to try to calm me. It doesn't help.

He sits down across from me, keeping a close eye on what I'm doing.

It's hard to do really anything with his gaze watching my every move.

I try to take a small bite of my sandwich. I pick it up slowly and take a bite. His eyes never once leave from me.

I begin to chew slowly.

"To be honest, when I first laid eyes on you, I was in love."

I choke on the piece of sandwich that was now caught in my throat and cough a couple of times. Did I just hear him right?

"W-what?!" I ask, taking another drink of my water, trying to catch my breath back again.

He takes a deep sigh, and then gets a sip from whatever drink he had. He looks up at me, his dark eyes piercing right into my soul.

"Don't you ever get the feeling of love at first sight?" He places his hand on top of mine that was resting on the table, and begins to hold my hand.

His touch slightly burns my hand, but all I can do is look back at him. I'm frozen in my spot.

"So what do you say? Do you want to go out?"

HOLY MOLY THIS IS SUDDEN. What in the world is wrong with him? He wants to go out with me? And he said he loves me?! I've never even been around many guys at my school, but this one shows up and he confesses his love to me?!

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