Hurt (Ashton Irwin)

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"Flight H284, travelling to Sydney has been delayed due to heavy weather conditions" The lady on the intercom said. 

"Great." You mumbled to yourself. when a guy dressed in a suit came walking in your direction.

"Are you y/n?" The mysterious man said in adeep, emotionless voice.

"Uhh, yes?" You replied looking at him confused

"Are you the significant other to Ashton Fletcher Irwin?" He asked.

"Yes, did something happen?!" You said, more interested in the conversation.

"I am very sorry, but Ashton has been in a car accident, he's is in hospital, but is visitors other than family is not allowed." He said.

"What!? No no no no. Ashton is on the plane that has just been delayed, what are you talking about?" You say worriedley, trying to walk past him to the doors to go to the hospital. He blocks you.

"Ashton caught the earlier plane to Sydney, and had a taxi accident." He said, "I am sorry." He added, walking off.

You instantly started sprinting to the doors, and trying to find a taxi to the hospital. 

"To the hospital! And quick!" You nearly shouted at the taxi driver.

Ashton was your boyfriend of 2 years. You were covinced he was the love of your life, and you always put his life first. He was your best friend growing up, but you guys had started to grow feelings when you were 13. So you were scared, confused and worried about him. 

You finally got to the hospital, paid the driver and sprinted for the doors of the hospital. 

"Ashton Irwin?" You asked the lady at reception, out of breath. 

"Yes, room 342. Are you family?" The lady said, putting a strand of fallen out hair behind her ear. 

"I'm his girlfriend" You reply hurriedly.

"Family only sweetie." She said, quite rudely.

"No. I need to see him!" You yelled, drawing the attention from people in the waiting room.

'If it's that important to you, say your his sister." She said, picking up a pen and filling out files. You thank her and started running around looking for room 342.

You came across a nurse walking in the opposite drection, stopping her.

"Room 342?" You asked.

"Second floor, to you left." She replied, walking away.

You found the room, and looked in the window. He was being monitised, the heart monitor beeping slowly but surely. You let a tear escape you eye, opening the door, and seeing your boyfriends parents in the corning, crying.

"Y/n, you're here!" His mum said, shooting out of her seat, a fake smile plasted on her face. 

"Family?" The doctor asked. You nodded.

"Look, he was in a car accid-" He said before being cut of my rapid beeping from the machine. Nurses and doctors poured through the doors, rushing You and his parents out of the room. You tried to oblige and stay, but nothing worked. 

You slid down the hallway wall, your head in your hands, legs folded against your body. 

"Dear, he'll be fine, I promise you." Ashtons dad said, trying to reasure you, it didn't work. If anything, you cried more.

"Y/n, we found this is the back pocket of his jeans." His mum said handing you a blue envelope.

You opened it, not knowing what it was, and  saw it was an ivitation to his aunties wedding. He was going to take you to his aunties wedding. You haven't seen his aunty in years, maybe 8 or 9 years. He knew how much you missed her. 

************* 2 hours later**********

"You may see him now."  The doctor said quietly, you were stil on the floor, clutching the envelope. 

"Ash?" You said, walking slowly towards him. He had scratches all over his face, a gash in his side, which looks like its been operated on, and his leg in a brace. 

"Y/n?" He said, stirring awake.

"Ash, I'm here." You said, speeding up to hold his hand.

"I'm sorry." Is all he said. 

"For what?" You asked in reply

"Getting into that taxi." He chuckled.

"Oh sweetie, I don't care about what you did, as long as you're here now. That's all that matters to me right now" You said, grbbing a seat from the corner, and palcing it next to the bed. 

He squeezed you hand, as in reply

It was 3 in the morning, his mum and dad left to go to sleep at home. You thought that they should have stayed, he is their son and all. You couldn't bare to part, so you just sat there, watching him sleep peacefully. You kissed his lips and cheek, and layed your head in your arms on his bed, hoping to get some rest.

**********7 in the morning***********

You were awken by a nurse shaking you, suggesting you to get some sleep at your own home, you denied and walked the chair over to the corner, sittiing out of everybodys way, while they check on him.

"He will be allowed out this afternoon, but please, make sure he gets his rest, he's lucky to still be here." The doctor said to his parents.

"Is anything affected?" His mum asked.

"No, he's is very lucky his left side isn't paralysed, we were able to fix that. He will be fine, just needs to get his rest." He replied.

**********1 week later*******************

"Babe, could you pass me my antiseptic?" Ashton says, lying in his bed, his leg in a cast, and stitches in his head, and a lot of stitches. 

"Sure babe" You said before giving it to him.

"Y/n, I love you. I'm sorry that you're taking time off work to help me, I love you, I really do." He said sweetly. This was the first time he said those three words. A tear rolled out of your eye, a happy one. 

"I love you to" You said, kissing him, where it doesn't hurt on his lips. 

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