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Disclaimer: Though, I do criticize and complain (a lot), I still worship the ground the Flanneled One walks upon. The same cannot be said for Mickey Mouse.

IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: the following text is in the earliest stages of development (a first draft, in fact) and thus hasn't received the pampering of an editor or even a beta reader. It is being posted with the mere purpose of receiving constructive criticism and encouragement, as well as ideas, which will hopefully give motivation to win NaNoWriMo 2017. Please ignore any grammar or spelling mistakes, and instead focus on the storytelling elements (dialogue, plot, character development) and give appropriate feedback :)

" you remember your mother? Your real mother?"

The question took her by surprise. She'd always felt close to her adopted parents, it was as if they were her biological parents. She almost never thought of her real mother - that was like a faded memory.

Yet Luke's question made her start. Flashes from her infancy assaulted her -distorted visions of running... a beautiful woman... hiding in a trunk. The fragments suddenly threatened to flood her with emotion.

"Yes," she said, pausing to regain her composure. "Just a little bit..."

A faded portrait, a lost memory (1st draft) - NaNoWriMo 2017Where stories live. Discover now