Chapter 12

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Jaska stalked onto the galley and showed the stamped documents to a ship captain clearly frightened by the presence of a palymfar. Captain Rohl scanned the papers and found everything in order. Then his eyes fell upon the name Jaska Bavadi. As the color drained from his face, he passed the papers to Sergeant Daras, the mercenary commander and an old comrade. Daras blanched and cursed his fate under his breath.

Before either could protest or question their new assignment, Jaska said in a stern voice, "Set sail immediately, captain."

Rohl crossed his left arm over his chest. "Aye, commander."

"Sergeant, prepare to defend the ship. We may have problems leaving the harbor."

Daras saluted. "As you wish, commander."

Jaska stowed his gear in the small cabin he would share with Zyrella and Ohzikar then returned to the deck. Captain Rohl and Sergeant Daras barked orders. The ship eased out into the harbor. Mercenaries waited with composite bows at the ready, but no one hindered the ship's progress. Likely, the authorities investigating the incident on the streets had accepted the easiest conclusion. And a ship loaded with mercenaries wouldn't demand notice in a port as busy as Hectyra's.

Professional rowers pulled to the beat of the bosun's drums. The Spindrift Cloud's three sails caught the winds and added their strength. The bronze ram on the ship's front plowed into the calm sea and Hectyra fell from view. Jaska, Ohzikar, and Zyrella stood on the aft deck above the ship's two meager cabins. For a long time, the three simply watched the ship's progress and dwelt within their own thoughts.

Ohzikar said at last, "How did those palymfar find us?"

Jaska lowered the mask from his face. "I think they tracked Zyrella with magic. The powers that hid you for so long must not be as strong as they once were. They approached Lord Ezaras looking for me, suspecting that I was a traitor. So we can assume that Salahn has figured out that I'm still alive. And that I'm no longer loyal to him. Also, he got a message this far, which shows proof of his increased power."

"Salahn may believe you to be under my domination," Zyrella said.

"Possibly, though it makes little difference. He will order me killed unless they are certain that you control me." Jaska took in a deep breath of salty air. "Before I came to you, I killed a palymfar named Ooran, after I dispatched Lord Ezaras. Ooran's qavra held a tracking spell that notified his comrades of his death. When I discovered it, I knew I had to find you quickly."

Zyrella and Ohzikar stared at him, wondering about his stability. Jaska noticed their observation and frowned. "I killed Ezaras for his crimes against this city and humanity. The world won't miss him, I assure you."

Both looked away. After some time Zyrella said, "The last palymfar you killed was a student of yours?"

"All three were former students, but Yrvas was one of the best. Far more cautious than most, but he always used his caution to his advantage. He was also a friend."

Zyrella moved closer. She thought to put a hand on his shoulder then changed her mind, afraid of the feelings contact would arouse. "I'm sorry, Jaska."

He nodded. "Many things are different now. I owe gratitude and friendship to you and the White Tigress. No others. All other bonds have been severed."

"Yrvas didn't prove cautious today," Ohzikar said.

"No, their attack was hasty and desperate. They must have feared that we would soon leave."

"Other troops must be on the way then," Ohzikar said. "That's why they waited."

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