Chapter 1 Brooke

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Brooke walked into The Loft, Grace shoved past her chasing after two drug dealers who were dealing in the club. She looked over seeing three people looking rather ghoulish at each other whilst sipping cocktails.

Brooke looked down into her pocket mirror fluffing up her black hair and reapplying her lips stick.
She ordered a Cider then decided to hit the dance floor. She overheard a conversation about another bar, the group walked out and the dance floor was empty for a few minutes. The two girls from the other table stood up and started to dance, they gradually dragged up the man.
The girl with blonde hair started chanting "Nancy! Nancy! Nancy!" To which the one Brooke assumed was Nancy started dance against Darren in rather promiscuous way.

The music suddenly glitched out, with the way the bar goers reacted it seemed this had been happening for a while, soon the club died down even more.
Brooke decided to explore the other bar, which Nancy and her gang followed.

Brooke made herself comfy at the bar. The bartender who was ducking down to pick up something asked "would ya like a drink?"

"Yes, a Lime and Lemonade please"

He made the drink then spun around locking eyes with her, he nearly dropped it out of shock.



In unison "I thought you were in Ibiza!"
They both chuckled and Brooke spoke first.

"I'm having a little holiday, I needed some space and my friend Cindy lives here, except she doesn't know I'm here yet..." She said looking down stirring the drink with her straw.

"Ah right, do you have a place to stay?"

"Of course!"

"Well how long are you here?" Brody asked leaning forward.

"3 weeks, when are you coming back? I miss having drinks with you, it's not the same."

"Awh, Well ah we should get a drink during the week sometime? We need to catch up." Brody said with an eccentric tone.

"You're going to have to try harder than just a drink..." Brook said cheekily, taking her glass and walking away.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Brody shouted after her.

She peeped over her shoulder and smiled.

Brody pulled out his phone and checked his calender, then looked up flights to Ibiza in 3 weeks. Suddenly he felt Scott appear next to him.

"Ah Ibiza; wonderful place that is!" He saw Brody wasn't happy. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to snoop."

"Don't worry, mate." Brody smiled tapping him, Scott smiled and attended a customer.

Without a doubt Brody booked the flights.

Lime and Lemonade ~Brody Hudson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now