Part 1

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Warning:// This story does deal with serious issues, like suicide, abuse, and more.
If you are uncomfortable with these topics this isn't the right story for you.

The video has some spoilers for the original Naruto series
I was on my way to school when Sakura bumped into me. "Oh! Sorry Sasuke!" I let out a 'Tch' and keep walking. Sakura follows me and decides to strike up a conversation. "Have you heard of the new kid!" I shake my head no. Surprising her. "You haven't?! It's the demon fox kid!" At the mention of the fox, I freeze. "The demon fox kid?" I ask coldly. "Yeah, his name is Naruto and apparently he has the nine tailed fox spirit in him!" There's no way. "Do you believe every rumor you hear?" She looks at me with disbelief. "No, but I've seen him use it before! It was super scary!" How can she believe this bull crap. 'Tch' I keep walking until we arrive at school. Ah. The dreaded high school year awaits me. I walk inside the school and head to my class. When I arrive, I'm early. Only my fan girls and Shino are here. Hinata and Kiba walk in. It seems everyone is here except the teacher. I pick up whispering outside the door. "It's okay Naruto, they won't use you." Is that Iruka.? "I know.. But what if they won't accept me?" This voice is unfamiliar. "Just go with it. Don't act weird and they'll accept you." I hear Iruka say. "Let's go." The doors open and I see Iruka and an attractive kid with spiky blonde hair. All eyes are
on him. I'd expect the girls to be fawning right now, but it seems the opposite is happening. "That's him." "Are you kidding me, why is he here?" "He doesn't belong." I turn back to the teen and see him take it like a real man. Iruka leads him to the front and introduces him, "This is Naruto Uzumaki. I hope you are all nice to him." So Naruto is his name. "You can sit next to Sasuke, Naruto." Iruka points to the seat to the right of me. Yay. How fun. At least he's a guy. Naruto makes his way over to the assigned seat and sits down. "Now, let's begin!" Iruka says cheerfully. Naruto gives a cold stare. He doesn't bother to show any emotion. "Are you just gonna stare at me or say something?" He says coldly. He's intimidating I'll give 'em that. "Sorry." I say simply. He continues to stay silent for the rest of the period. "Alright, off to second period!" Iruka says. Naruto gets up quietly before everyone else and walks out. As soon as he leaves the gossiping starts. I still see his figure by the door, though. He's still listening! Wow.. he's braver that I thought. I get up and start to walk out. Giving him the cue to leave. I walk out and he's gone. 'Might as well go to Kurenai's class early. I go into the classroom to see Naruto sitting next to my seat. Is he really going to sit next to me for every period?! I walk over and sit in my seat. Before I can say a word, students start to file inside. All looking at Naruto. Damn, an average person would be bawling their eyes out, but him, he just stays a blank slate. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself. I decide to stick quiet and let him talk first. Kurenai's class goes by fast and before I know it, it's time for lunch. As I'm headed there about 18 girls asked to sit with me. I, of course, said no. I honestly wanted Naruto to sit with me, so I could get to know him better. He would never ask me, though. Iruka confronts me with Naruto before I enter the cafeteria. "Sasuke. I need you to do me a favor." Iruka says calmly. "And what's the favor?" I ask, annoyed. "Well.. Naruto isn't the most popular guy.. and the other students don't want to sit with him. So, I was wondering if he could sit with you." Iruka says. Sitting with Naruto could be fun. "Sure." I walk in with Naruto and point to the table. He skips the line and heads straight for the table. Strange. I get myself some ramen with tomatoes and head over to the table. "Why aren't you eating?" I ask. "It's not that I'm poor or anything. I'm just not hungry." He says sharply. He's good at keeping distance. I wonder what happened to make him this way.. "Okay." I simply reply. We go the rest of lunch without saying a word. I get up to put my bowl in the washing tray, but Naruto grabs my bowl before I can stand. "I'll do it." He gets up and puts try bowl in the washing rack. Weird, he seemed nicer than before. Anyways, I get up and head out of the cafeteria. I still hear the slight murmurs, though. "Did you see him?" "He didn't eat." "He probably can't afford it." "Sasuke is so sweet to sit with him." "He stole Sasuke's bowl. He's so pervy." How rude. They are all wrong about this guy. I feel kinda bad. But, I have to go to Asuma's class. I head there to find Naruto, once again, in the seat next to mine. It's seems the teachers want us together. I wonder if it has something to do of how we are similar? I heard a rumor he lost both of his parents at birth and never met them. He cared for himself at age 3. The mayor took him in until that time. I was 8 when I lost mine. So, I could care for myself. But him? Nah. He was all alone. "Will you stop staring and sit down already?" His voice pulls me out of thought. I shrug and sit. The rest of the day goes by really quickly. The only important thing that happened was Kakashi put Sakura, Naruto, and I in a group project together. Sakura complained, but we both stayed quiet. As I'm walking home, I hear crashes and yelling in an alleyway. I would just ignore it, but a certain sound made me stop. "You don't deserve Sasuke." "Yeah, he's just hanging out with you because he's nice." "You should just kill yourself." Three girls spew at a guy. "Gladly" he responds. It takes me a while to figure out it's Naruto. 'You should just kill yourself' 'Gladly' He'd gladly kill himself. What in the actual hell? I run into the alley. I notice who the girls are.. Ino, TenTen, and a random stranger. "Ino! TenTen! Random Ass Girl! Stop that!" "Oh crap! It's Sasuke!" "We're doomed!" "Run!" The girls book it as I get a good look at Naruto. I didn't notice before, because he had a coat on, but he's really beaten. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah, thanks Prince Charming." He says sarcastically. I just realized he doesn't have a shirt on. And he's more muscles than bone, unlike what I thought. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." He says smugly. "Are you gonna get me up or not?" He says smiling. It's really a breath-taking smile. "You look better when you smile." I say out loud. Crap! He tilts his head to the side and his face turns a light shade of pink. He scratches his neck. "Shaddap." I chuckle. "Come on." I lift him up on my back, since he is unable to walk. "Where's your house?" I ask. "6391 Poinsett Drive." He says calmly. "'Kay, up we go." I start walking and realize how light he is. It's as if he isn't even there. But his heartbeat reminds me he is. I turn the corner and see a humongous house. "Is that yours?" I ask, breathlessly. "Yeah. Here's the key." He hands me a silver key. I unlock the door and open it. Inside is a really neat house. "Up the stairs and it's the first door on the left." He says. I follow his directions and find an orange themed room. "Set me down on the bed please." He says. "Okay." I let him down easily, and get a weird thought. He's totally vulnerable. I could kiss him and he wouldn't be able to fight back. But I'm not like that. If I'm gonna kiss someone, the other person has to want it. What am I even saying? I won't kiss anyone. They'll kiss me! As I'm busy thinking of Naruto, I don't notice someone by the door. "That little slut." "How come Sasuke is in there?" "It's obvious. He's being held against his will." I notice Naruto flinch at the words. "If you're gonna gossip about me. At least say it to my face." The blonde says boldly. The door creaks open. Ino and TenTen are there. "How'd you even get in my house anyways?" He asks, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "We picked the lock. Deal with it." Ino says, challenging the blonde. "Hmpf. Seems I'll have to upgrade." Naruto says calmly. "If idiots like you can get in, imagine smart bounty hunters." They flinch at the insult. "We aren't idiots!" TenTen exclaims. "Then why are you a mindless fan girl for Mr. Prince Charming over here. Hmmmm?" His words sting deep into TenTen, causing her to fall silent. "I ain't a-afraid of you!" Ino says, trying to hide her fear. "Oh really, what if I-" He launches a red hand at her. She flinches and screams right before he stops. About an inch away. I couldn't even see it, it was too fast. I could sure as hell feel it though. He chuckles. "Not afraid of me, eh?" God damn, he is so cool right now. "Now quit interrupting my nap. Shoo." He waves with his red hand to the door. Ino and TenTen leave glumly. Naruto falls back asleep. So, when he wakes up before he wants to, he's cocky, smart, and ill-tempered. Noted. Before I know it, I doze off.
I wake up to someone poking me. "Wake up you idiot." I hear a voice say. "Mnmm" I reply. I feel someone pick me up and start walking. I'm thrown into a pool of water. I open my eyes to see I'm in a bathtub. "I said wake up." I look up to see Naruto glaring at me. He's beautiful ocean blue eyes staring at me. He sighs. "When you're done I have clothes on the counter and dinner downstairs." He says, walking out of the room. I take a quick shower, thinking of how I'll smell like Naruto. I get out to find a gray T-Shirt and jeans. Seems this is what he meant by clothes. I put them on to find out they are kind of big on me. Maybe it's because of his muscles and height. But he has dominance over me. I go down the stairs to see steak waiting on the table with a note. 'You took to long and I already finished. I'm in my room if you want to chat. Enjoy your meal made by yours truly. -Naruto =•ω•=' Yes he signed a kitty face by his name. Cute. But... he made this meal? Holy fuck! It looks amazing. I turn the note over to see a side note. 'Don't spend too much time gawking over the meal and just eat. -Naruto =•~•=' This time, instead of a normal face, I got an annoyed one. Makes sense. I dig into the meal. As the warmth fills my mouth, I can't fight a 'Mmmm.' It's so good! I can't believe how great of a chef he is! I finish, savoring every bite, and head upstairs. I walk in to see Naruto sleeping. Shirtless, if I may add. When he's laying on the bed, it really makes his handsome face more visible. I can't help but have a tiny nosebleed. Quickly wiping it off. I see another note beside him. 'You took too long and now I'm sleepy. Feel free to sleep wherever you like. Including your own home. -Nar-' The note ends there. I'm guessing he fell asleep. I realize that I could sleep with him... but I decide it's too early. I walk around until I find a window. Looking out, I notice it's really late. I don't want to walk home, so I just wander around until I find a bedroom. I successfully find a navy one, and plop down on the bed. I decide to fall asleep.
I slept soundly. I should probably go home now, though. As Naruto said, I'm not welcome anymore. Or at least, I overstayed my welcome. I get up an shake my head, drying my hair. He was careful enough to not get my clothes wet. Hallelujah. I walk out of the room and down the stairs. I walk through the front door, waving to a semi-flustered Naruto. I walk out to feel the heat wash over me. I look at the weather app on my phone to see 98 degrees. Holy sh- I start to call Sakura. "Sasuke?" She asks, probably wondering why I called her. "I need a ride." I say in my usual tone. "Where are you?" She asks. I can't say Naruto's house... It'd be weird and she doesn't know where I am. "I'm on Poinsett Drive." I say. "Okay, I'm on my way." She replies. I hang up and wait for her.
End of Part 1
HOLY CRAP! I wrote so much! We reached 2341 words! That's crazy! Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed. Part 2 will take a while, because I'm trying to reach 1000 words per part. At least 1000 that is c:. I would like your honest opinion on how the chapter was.. Horrible, Good. Whatever, you name it. Anyhoo, that's all.

Went back and edited :D

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