Chapter One

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(The start of this story is written from the perspective of a 7 year old. Keep that in mind when you're reading. She doesn't necessarily process things the same as someone who is older than her. Thank you)

Riley's P.O.V.

Hi my names Riley Pond, I'm 7 years old and I live with my older sister Amelia and my Aunt Sharon. I'm quiet and shy the complete opposite to my sister; Amelia is out-going, daring and brave. I've always been a bit of a scaredy cat and ever since the crack in my wall magically appeared, I've had even more nightmares. I hear voices calling to me from the wall, I've told Amelia and she said that she hears the voices too but she isn't scared of them, she tells me to man up but it's hard when you're constantly hearing voices calling your name.

This may sound a bit strange but I think I'll pray for someone to help. Maybe I'll ask Santa, he always knows what to do.

I got down on my knees next to my bed and put my hands together.

"Dear Santa. Thank you for the dolls and the pencils and the fish. It's Easter now so I hope I didn't wake you but, honest, it is an emergency. There's a crack in my wall." I paused for a second and glanced at the terrifying crack on the wall. "Aunt Sharon says it's just an ordinary crack but, I know it's not because at night I hear voices. So, please, please could you send someone to fix it; or a police man or..." I was cut off by a strange gust of wind like a wheezing, moaning sound.

"You're being silly Riley; Santa won't send anyone he isn't..." I cut Amelia off.

"Listen." We both paused and listened to the strange wheezing sound. "What is it?"

"Back in a moment." I whispered to Santa. We got up and I grabbed the torch that I always keep on my bedside table. We walked over to the window to look into the garden. At first I couldn't see anything, just a big cloud of smoke and dust but then I could just faintly make out the outline of a police box. I knew Santa would help so haha to you Amelia. "Thank you Santa." I whispered quietly so my annoying sister couldn't hear. She just doesn't get it. 

"Come on Riley." Amelia said whilst grabbing my hand and pulling me out of our bedroom. We both ran down the stairs and threw on our coats and wellies, yes wellies, they're so comfortable. Anyway, when we were all ready, we I opened the door and cautiously walked outside with my torch in one hand and Amelia on the other. 

We walked to the back of the garden to where the shed is or rather used to be. The strange, blue police box had landed on its side on top of the shed. Aunt Sharon is going to be angry. As if reading my thoughts Amelia spoke.

"Aunt Sharon's not going to be happy." I shook my head in reply.

We carried on walking towards the box until we were about a metre away when the doors burst open releasing another huge cloud of smoke. Amelia took a couple of steps back and when I didn't move, she pulled me back as well.

A rope was tossed out of this weird box and hooked onto a flowerbed and after a few seconds, a man started climbing out of the box. He looked hot, sweaty and wet and his hair was all messed up; he also had a very big chin.

"Nice chin." I whisper laughed to my sister who just hit me on the arm as a response.

"Can I have an apple?" He said. What... no hello? That wasn't what I was expecting and why did he look like he'd just climbed a mountain. "All I can think about, apples. I love apples."

He climbed a bit more out of the blue box and I could see that all his clothes were messed up as well. Completely torn and ruined. He doesn't really look like a police man.

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