Chapter Two

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Riley P.O.V.

"Riley you have to understand that this Doctor you speak of isn't real. Strange men don't just fall out of the sky in a blue police box and eat fish fingers and custard." Why does no one believe me? Even Amy just thinks that The Doctor was just a game we played when we were young. Can't she remember that he was real? 

"Amy." I replied, trying to get her full attention. She stopped using the name Amelia when she was 12. "You know that he is real, you were there when he..."

That's when it happened. I heard the amazing sound of his police box coming from the garden. But he said five minutes; I still haven't forgotten that he left us that night, out in the cold.


"Amelia, Riley, what are you doing out here?" Aunt Sharon's voice woke the two of us up. It was morning, the sun was out and the ground was damp with morning dew. This can't be though. He said five minutes, he promised us five minutes. Where is he?

"Come inside quickly before you two catch a fever." Aunt Sharon pulled us both to our feet and practically dragged us into the house. 

"Where is he?" I asked Amelia.

"I don't know." She replied with a frown. "He probably forgot about us."

He wouldn't have just left us there surely. He wouldn't have forgotten us that easily, surely he wouldn’t have.


Remembering back then isn’t easy; it’s been years since that night and he never showed up again. I was beginning to think that he was just a dream, a game which me and Amy played to amuse ourselves. But now, is he really back again? I ran to the window and sure enough it was the man in the blue box. The Doctor was back after 12 years of me waiting.

“Quick.” Amy said handing me some clothes. “Put these on.”

I changed into the police woman outfit she had given me just in time to hear a buzzing sound and then the door opening. I’m 19 years old now and still ginger. That’s something that me and Amy have in common, we’re both very ginger. Must have gotten it from our father, he was ginger. Me and Amy live together are we both work as kissograms. Hey, no judging alright. It actually does pay quite well and it’s like you have a new job every week.

When we were children, I was always the shy and quiet sister and she was the loud and bossy one but tables turn and that cards have changed. Now, I’m the louder of the two and, although she isn’t exactly quiet or shy, I do boss her around a bit even though she’s three years older than me.

“Amelia, Riley, I worked out what it was. I know what I was missing. You’ve gotta get out of there.” The Doctor shouted as he barged into our house. Still as rude as ever I see. Me and Amy hide in one of the rooms in the hallway.

“Amelia, Riley, are you alright? Are you there?” He shouted whilst running up the stairs. Does this man have no manners and why would we not be alright?

“Prisoner Zero is here. Prisoner Zero is here.” He repeated. “Prisoner Zero is here do you understand me?”

He turned around and just as he did, I hit him over the head with a cricket bat. What can I say, that’s just how we Scottish girls roll.

After he was completely passed out, I handcuffed him to the radiator beneath the window in the hallway. The plan has worked so far but what now?

“Why did you hit him on the head?” Amy asked me, shoving me slightly.

“Did you have a better idea? He was trespassing in our house.” I put my hands on my hips.

“No but you didn’t need to knock him out.” Amy replied. That is true. I started to bit my lip again. I’ve still not grown out of that silly little habit. I really should.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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