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Over the many years the once young daughter of the head guard had grown up into a woman. she still remembered her home world, one of the things she could remember was the Porcher of her mother that her father kept, she looked nearly identical to her mother's Portrait now.

Throughout the years of kidnapping she had experienced many traumatic experiences one being with her past master "hey!" the plump old man yelled as he harshly grabbed her chains. "your going to a new master, you will behave if you return here, you'll be dead got it." he said forcing her to look at him
"yes, i understand" she whispers, he drags her out of her 'room' and forces her infront of a man.
"what's your name girl." her newest master demanded "Anderaste" she spoke with her head down in submission
*time skip*
Having done finished with her days work anderaste made her way into her cell like room and on her bed was a note and cloak along with a dress laid out.
Tomorrow we head to Asgard, i have business, you will wear this and keep your head down the binding chains will be on so don't even think about running
With those words she headed to sleep thinking about what had happened the previous night.

her master brought his little 'toy' everywhere. His business was selling things from earth land. He was doing business on a snowy planet that had countless strip clubs. While he was in a bar trying to find a hook up. He left Anderaste in the cold with her binding chains clasped to keep her from running. She wore a cloak that hung over her dress this cloak was concealing the binding chains. After about two hours of standing in the cold snow she was approached by a intoxicated man.
He pushed her against the wall and was sloppily kissing her while grinding him self on her. She couldn't move her feet on their own her chains kept her from moving so she thought she was going to get raped by this man.

Meanwhile Peter and Gamora having just gotten off their ship with Rocket , Drax and Groot. Rocket and Drax arguing who could hold there alcohol better. Groot was looking around from his spot behind Rocket. "i am groot" Rocket turns around to look at the upset groot "peter" the raccoon points towards the drunk man and Anderaste who's crying. The rest of the team looks over just as the intoxicated man slaps Anderaste to get her to stop crying. Drax run over and ripped the drunk man off her. Gamora went over to the shaken girl who stood still. "are you alright?" she ask as she side glances at Drax and Peter who are pushing the man away.
"i'm alright thank you" Anderaste shifts but freezes when the chain makes a small sound.
She noticed the raccoons eat twitch up and his head snapping to look at her. The rest of the guardians walked up to her "how about you come in our ship for a moment and warm up" Gamora sends a gently smile at the girl
"I mustn't or my mast-" Anderaste cut her self of when she was about to say, master. She notes that Gamora looked a little worried.
" come in for a few minutes" Gamora goes to touch her shoulder but when she flinches away they all hear the chains rattle. "What the hell." peter says as Gamora opens the cloak reveiling golden chains. "What the hell are these?" Peter mutters. Anderaste opens her mothers but is cut off by the angry voice of her master. "anderaste stop." Anderaste became frozen with fear and her lips zipped. He stormed over to her and grabed her by her hair and started to pull her through the snow.
Anderaste had tears streaming down her face as she looked towards the guardians with a single look at that said thank you and sorry. As the door to the ship closes the guardians see Anderaste shoved in to a wall and given hits.

Gamora never forgot about the girl somthing made her never forget about her.

the asgardian girlWhere stories live. Discover now