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"What's up guys its sam and Colby. We are with the wonderful lindsey and today we are filming truth or strip 2 because we deleted the first one" Colby said
The three of us got in the hot tub which was freezing.
"Okay the way we are going to do this is I'm going to ask a question and the two of them have to answer then lindsey will ask a question and me and Colby have to answer and so on and so forth" Sam said
"First question. This one will probably make it super awkward for the rest of the video" sam said
"Great. Glad we are doing this one first" I said sarcastically
"Name one thing you don't like about Katrina" Sam said
"I don't want to be mean" Colby said
"Well we all know how Katrina has a very...unique laugh and sometimes that laugh can be loud. Sometimes when I'm trying to sleep you know...I can hear it and it keeps me up" Colby said awkwardly
"What about you" sam asked me
"She makes me mad when she wakes me up. Katrina I love you. Your like my sister. And you know that it pisses  me off and it's why you do it. But when I'm sleeping. She creeps into my room or wherever I fell asleep and she does this quiet groan/giggle thing in my ear and she knows I hate it so she specifically does it when she knows I haven't gotten a lot of sleep" I said
"Ok. What is your biggest sexual fantasy" Colby asked us.
"The only reason he asked this is so he could find out what Lindsey's fantasy is" sam said
"I don't know. I've never had a sexual fantasy" sam said
"Not even like school girl thing" Colby said
"No" Sam said
"Ok take off your hat" Colby said
"What why?" Sam asked
"Because you couldn't answer it" Colby said. Sam took off his hat
"What about you lindsey" sam asked
"If I say it you have to censor it" I said
"Why?" Colby asked
"Because I don't want the world to know my sexual fantasy but I also don't want to lose" I said
"Either you say it and no censor or you take off a piece of clothing" sam said
"Um well. You see. Haha. My sexual fantasy would have to be ..haha um. Oh my god. What if people tweet it to this specific person" I said
"What do you mean" Colby said clenching his jaw
"You have to say it" sam said smiling
"Well you know I think every girl can agree with me when I say this. Um well. You see Shawn mendes is a very attractive guy so I wouldn't mind.you know going out for dinner with him and ya know maybe Netflix and chill after" I said awkwardly. Colby looked beyond pissed
"But I would never do that because I have a sexy and amazing boyfriend that I love very much" I said wrapping my arms around Colby's waist.
He relaxed
"You heard it here First Ladies and gentlemen. Lindsey wants to fuck Shawn mendes" sam said
"Shut up sam! I do not. That's why I have Colby" I smirked.
"Okay next question. My turn" I said
"Out of Amanda,Devyn,kat,and me who would you want to do the deed with" I asked
"Oh. Hahah ummm" they were so awkward
"And you can't pick your own. Oh and by the way I already talked with Elton,Corey,Devyn,Amanda,and kat and they all said that Colby and sam have a free pass on this one " I added
"I don't want anyone to get offended. And Colby don't get mad. I'd pick you because we hang out the most and I know you the best so I feel like it wouldn't be awkward afterwards because we are the type of people that would just joke about it" sam said.
"How bout you" I asked Colby
"Out of everyone besides lindsey I'm closest to kat because it's usually like me,sam,kat and lindsey because Elton is always either at the gym or busy and Corey is always taking Devyn out on dates and stuff. So I'd say kat I guess for the same reasoning as sam. Me and Kat. She's my second best girl friend and we would just be able to joke about it afterwards" Colby said
"So you both would just switch girlfriends" I chuckled
"Ya" they said.
"Ok sams turn again" Colby said
"Show one photo from your snapchat memories that you've never posted" sam said. Me and Colby grabbed our phones.
"Here's mine" I said. It was a mirror picture of me and Colby. He was shirtless and in his Gray Calvin Klein boxers and I had matching Calvin Klein bra and thong on
"That pictures cute why didn't you post it?" Sam asked
"Because I'm basically naked. I didn't even try to take that picture and be like "oh look I'm in a bra and underwear look at me" I just took it because I thought me and Colby looked really cute" I said
"And here's mine" Colby said.
It was a picture of me and him. I was laying in bed sleeping on his chest and he was kissing my forehead but I see why he didn't post it. You can see in the mirror at the end of his bed we both are naked. You can only see my Butt but you can still tell we are naked.
"Your gunna have to blur that out" I said
"I will" sam said.
"Ok Colby's turn" sam said
"Would you do a threesome if I was the other guy" Colby asked
"What ew no" sam said
"Well it wouldn't be weird if we didn't make eye contact" Colby said
"No" Sam said
They looked at me
"Well I would hope you were the other guy" I said
"And the other would be Shawn mendes" sam said
"Shut up" I said hitting his chest.
"My turn"  I said
"Have either of you ever lied to me. And if so what was it about" I asked
Colby started laughing
"I used your razor to shave my balls" he said
"EW COLBY. I USE THAT ON MY FACE" I yelled at him
He just chuckled
"What about you sam" I asked
"I can't say it" he said.
"Sams turn" I said
"Have you ever hooked up with someone social media famous. If so who?" SAm asked
"Duh" Colby said wrapping his arms around my waist
"Besides lindsey" sam said
"Ooooo" Colby said. He took off his shirt and threw it somewhere.
"You better be talking before we started dating" I said in a 'your fucked' tone
"I told you about it remember" Colby said
"Ohhh her?" I said
"Ya" Colby said
"Ohhh" I said.
"What about you lindsey" sam asked
"Well it's either I say it and Elton kills me or I take off my shirt and elton still kills me" I said. I took off my shirt
"You both know who it is. I told both of you" I said
"Is it salmon?" Sam asked
"Ya. That's literally the only other person I've hooked up with besides Colby" I said. Salmon was a code name.
"Ahhhhhh" sam said
"Ok Colby's turn" sam said
"Who do you think is the most attractive female or male on social media. And sam you have a free pass on this one. Kat called me and told me" Colby said
"What about me?"I asked
"Fine" Colby said
"I would have to say Katrina Stuart official" sam said
"Shawn mendes or Hayes Grier" I said
"That was so weird to say because I know Hayes. Hayes shoutout to you" I said
"Sams turn" I said
"Have you ever done anything sexual in public" sam asked
Me and Colby shared a look
"Yes" we said at the same time
"What was it?" Sam asked
"Was that part of the question?" I asked
"Yes" sam winked at the camera
"We were at the movies. Colby got a little too excited if you know what I mean. He pulled me onto his lap and my hips magically started moving in circles" I said

"Lindsey's turn" sam said
"Have you ever had a sexual experience with a fan and if so what?" I asked. Sam took off his shorts. Now he was just in his boxers
"I have not" Colby said he still had his pants on.
"I'm going to clear something up. It was not my choice. We were at an event and a fan came up to me with her friend. She had her friend talk to me and she went behind me but reached her hand in my pants in the front and grabbed my penis and pulled. It was very weird" sam said
"You took your pants off you didn't have to explain" I laughed
"Oh well." Sam said
"Sams turn" I said
"Have you ever been caught masturbating" he asked
I took off my pants. And so did Colby
"Colby caught me but then I caught him the next day" I said. I was now in a thong and sports bra.
"Have you ever catfishes someone" Colby asked
"No" Sam said.
"Nope" I said
"My turn" sam sang. It's my turn but he seems happy about this one.
"Before you two started dating,who was the last person you had sex with" sam asked
Me and Colby both took off our underwear
"OH GOD" sam yelled covering his eyes and getting out of the pool. Me and Colby put out pants back on. Sam got back in. Colby wrapped his arms around mY waist from behind
"Don't move your covering my boner" he whispered in my ear. I laughed

Sam and Colby ended the video
"Well that was fun time to take a hot shower" I said
"Wait for me!" Colby yelled running after me. We got up to his room and took a hot shower
"Is it okay if brennen comes over?" Colby asked
"Ya of course" I said.
I put on Nike pros and a tank top. Colby had basketball shorts on and a blue shirt.

A few minutes later brennen was downstairs. Me and Colby walked down there
"Hey man" Colby said bro hugging him.
"Hey brother" brennen said.
"I'm so glad your okay" brennen said hugging me.
We pulled away
We walked to the living room and sat down. I was on Colby's lap and brennen was next to us
"EVERYONE COME HERE" brennen yelled
Once everyone was in here brennen spoke up
"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Brennen asked
"I'm busy" Elton said going back to the garage.
Me,Colby,Corey,Devyn,sam and brennen are playing
"I'll go first. Lindsey truth or dare" brennen said
"Truth" I said
"Would you have a threesome with me and Colby" he asked
"No" I said. He looked offended
"You two would probably just forget about me anyways and end up fucking eachother" I said
"Why is she right?" Corey chuckled
"LINDSEY" Elton yelled. He was angry
"Shit" I said.
"Who have you hooked up with that was social media famous" he asked storming in. He saw the video.
"Don't worry about it. It's in the past." I said
"Lindsey Jade do not make me say your full name" he said sternly
"Elton its over. Leave it alone" I said.
"Lindsey Jade Montoya de la Rosa Ramirez" he said sternly
"Elton" I said sternly
"Lindsey" he mimicked
"Drop it okay" I said.
He mumbled something and went back to the garage.
I leaned my head on Colby's chest and fell asleep

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