>Chapter Five<

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~Chapter Five - Their Forms...~

Shadow's POV

After a few minutes, the purple liquid stopped dripping from my left eye, leaving it purple. I know whats happening, she tried to heal my eye and he had to take over the spell before it healed properly. "I'm so so so SO sorry!" Margaret screams in my ear. "It's fine, just get out of my face about it," I say harshly. Her mood drops. "Sorry again..." And with that, she leaves the room. I sigh. Time for me to do what werewolves do best. Break stuff. I jump through a window and land on my feet. "Meet me by the docks and maybe I won't posses your body." A spine-chilling voice echoed through my mind. I walked my way slowly to the docks. "You'll posses me either way, I know it." I think back. "Oh, but not if you follow orders. You always have been a very... obedient daughter." His voice echoes back. "JUST SHUT UP! IM NOT YOUR DAUGHTER NOR WILL I EVER BE!" I shout out loud, drawing my sword. I feel people's gazes on my back. Purple smoke fills a small space by the dock and slow clapping comes from it. A tall, slender man's silhouette fills the space and then the smoke disappears. The man has black hair, purple eyes, dark gray skin, and ram horns that sit atop his head. He wears black armor with an amethyst sword on his back. A purple cloak topping his looks off. Someone comes up next to me, "Father... Leave..." Victor.

"Oh, my son has joined the mix. Nice people like you make me sick. Shadow here, on the other hand..." He laughs a cold, hard laugh. "I AM NOTHING AND I WILL NEVER BE LIKE YOU! I THOUGHT YOU CARED! IF YOU CARED, YOU WOULDV'E GONE AFTER MOM! SAVED HER! I SHOULD'VE KNOWN SOMETHING WAS UP THAT DAY!" I scream. Some people are crying, almost crying and just staring in shock. Xander and Gabe come to my side, angry expressions on their faces, swords were drawn. "Ah, Xander the Undead... Gabriel the Soul Taker... I didn't know you would take on such titles... For such... Nice people..." He scowls at the two. I charge at him, dropping my sword and switching into one of my forms. One I promised I wouldn't use ever again. My demon form. My skin grays and my right eye turns a deep blood red. Short ibex horn sprouting from my head. My cloak disappears and is replaced with deep purple and red armor. My right hand, clenched in a fist, blue sparks imitating from it. Just as I'm about to clash with the devil in front of me, he teleports next to me, floating above the water. I almost stumble into the water but catch myself. "That's the daughter that could be at my side..." My sorry excuse for a father speaks. I growl lowly. "I WILL NEVER DEFECT!" I scream in a deep, altered voice. He laughs like a madman. I look to my right, out into the vast crowd of people. I spot Aaren, Travis, Loyd, Scott, Margaret, and Sylvie, looking shocked as ever. I snap my attention back to the mad devil next to me. A white light comes from my right. 

Victor's transformation...

Victor's POV

I've had just about enough of standing by. She can't take him herself. Xander and Gabe look at me and nod. They will transform soon, I decided to transform now. My normal clothes get replaced by pale green and cream colored armor, a white cloak falling over it. An emerald sword lays at my side. My black werewolf ears and tail become white, my eyes becoming pure white as well. Mom's form. I growl lowly at the man that is supposedly my father. "You need to leave..." My altered voice echoes. He stops laughing and looks over at me, amusement in his eyes. "Oh son, that's no way to greet YOUR FATHER!" He screams the last words, shooting a spell at me from his hand. Shadow jumps in front of me, knowing it won't damage her. Another bright light appears behind us...

Shadow's POV

Someone else transforms? I look over Victor's shoulder and see... TRAVIS?! HE TRANSFORMED INTO A DEMON FORM!? "TRAVIS?! HOW DID YOU-" I shout, cutting myself off, not wanting to know. "A freak accident happened with this man and my own father." He states blandly. My father cackles like a witch. "That man?! He made a deal with the devil! He should've accepted!"  Travis growls and steps into the mix of me and Victor. The gray-skinned demon laughs one last time before disappearing back to were he belongs. Our forms switch back and I fall to my knees. "I... I have failed you... Mother..." Was the lasting thing I said before passing out.

~Dream ENTER~

I open my eyes, seeing through both of them. I stand up from where I was on the ground. "H-Hello?" I call out, not really expecting a response. "Hello, my dear." A voice replies. I whip around quickly. A lady in a deep blue and green cloak floats before me. Her hair is long and black, covering her eyes. She wears black combat boots with a normal dark blue shirt, matching it with black ripped leggings. "H-Hi?" I say, confused. The lady chuckles. "I see you not know who I am. Well, my dear, I happen to be Nicole Wagner, your mother," My eyes fill with tears. "I-I'm so sorry, mom! I switched to that form un-willingly!" I shout. She floats over to me and hugs me softly. "It is quite alright." I hear a bell. "That is all the time we have, my dear. I shall see you soon." She smiles and backs away. Everything returns to black.

~Dream EXIT~

"MOM!" I shout, sitting straight up. "SHADOW!" Someone next to my yells. Scott... "Y-YOUR AWAKE!" He sounds worried. "H-How long have I-" I get cut off by him, "You have been out for about a half an hour." I jump up, "I'VE BEEN OUT FOR HOW LONG NOW!?" He sighs and shakes his head before whistling. My head tilts and I hear foot steps. The door breaks off the hinges. "HOLY DIVINE, ARE YOU OK!?" Travis and Aaren yell. I nod and get pulled into a hug with them. "C-Cant... B-Breathe..." The let go and apologize. Then I realize something I didn't notice when I woke up...

"I-I can see out of both eyes..."

Shadow Wagner The Slayer - Do I Belong? (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now