>Chapter Fifteen<

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~Chapter Fifteen - A Meeting Between Lords~

Sylvie's POV

The boys and I start to head to the docks. We had decided we should go by boat because the trip could be a little less than a day. "All set, my lord?" Jack, our navigator, asks me. I nod, "We are. Let's head out then." I look over my should at the boys and smile at them. Aaren's hand runs through his black hair, making it look a bit less knotted. Travis fixes his hair for the fifth time today. Loyd has his helmet on, covering his face. Xander and Gabriel have their masks on, along with their cloaks. Victor stands tall, his bright green eyes staring into the deep blue ocean. I wave my hand in a motion telling them to join me on the boat. They shuffle over and to the bottom of the boat while Victor and I stay on top. 

"You seem worried." I point out. "I am, I am very worried. We were at war with many, Shadow is sometimes dangerous with her short temper and dad trying to reach out to her now makes things no better. Im worried about my little sister's life." His voice cracks, pure worry and sadness dripping from his words. I rub his back, then pull him into a hug. Victor sobs silently into my shoulder. "Shh... Its ok, well talk to her when we get there." He sniffs before pulling away and heading down to the others. I smile and head over to the navigator, "So, whats the deal?" I ask, returning to my calm, serious nature. "We should be there in about... I actually don't know... Almost over half of the day. The village is fairly far from where we stand currently, so we have to leave now to make it before nightfall." Jack explains. I nod and head down and go into my room and see Loyd there. "We're sharing a room. Aaren practically commanded us who were sharing rooms with." Loyd pulls his helmet off and sets it on the bedside table. "About more than half the day will be wasted on this trip..." I mumble. "Sylvie, sweetheart, I cant tell you how much I cant hear you when you mumble." My head goes up and I start to walk to my bed. "I said, 'About more than half the day will be wasted on this trip'. Got it?" He nods. "Im going to take a nap, if you don't mind." I shrug, he pushes himself to the covers of his bed. "See you when I wake up my lord." He calls from the other side of the room. "Yeah, 'night'." I lay down myself, about ready to take a nap, but stare into space, not caring if I fell into the darkness of sleep.

Shadow's POV

I sprint around my still empty town. As of right now, only Acorntop's lord and possibly guards know of my village, and I hope it stays that way for a long while. Im not ready to head back into war. "M-Miss?" I hear a small voice call to me. I turn and see a cat woman, maybe somewhere around the age of 24, with a small werewolf boy at her side, maybe ages 5 or 6. "U-Um... Yes?" I look at the lady. "M-My name is Koki, Im a Neko and I found this place and was hoping I could stay here?" I smile slightly. "Of course. Please don't panic, because I am perfectly fine now, but my name is Shadow, Shadow Wagner." I stick my hand out hesitantly, and shock overcomes me when she doesn't hesitate to shake it quickly. Once she pulls her hand back, I crouch down, my tail slightly wrapping around my feet. "Whats your name?" I ask the boy. "M-My n-name is M-Mason..." His small tail swishes. I smile again and stick my hand out, but he hesitates. He grabs my hand and his frown turns into a smile. Mason's ears perk up. "A-Are you the Lord?" Mason asks. I stand up straight. "I am. This village is still being built, so please make do with what we, and now you, have." Koki's head tilts. "'We'? Who else is here?" My tail wags lightly. "Danny the Living Unity, my partner." She smiles and nods. I hear a small 'bing' noise coming from my pocket. I reach in and grab my sapphire amulet. "Hey, Shadow." Danny starts. "Hey, can you come to the gates. We have villagers!" I exclaim. I see him smile. "Be right there!" His image fades and I see my reflection appear. I put my amulet away and look at the two. "He should be here soon to escort you two." Koki is beaming by now. "I cannot thank you enough for what you are doing!" My face blushes a tint a pink from the praise. "Again, it's not a problem." I turn my head when I hear footsteps. "Hey, Danny!" He stops at my side. "Hello! If you couldn't tell, my name is Danny the Living Unity, Shadow's friend." He puts his hand out for a shake and Koki accepts. Danny bends down and shakes Mason's small hand then stands back up. "My name is Koki, and this is my son, Mason!" She beams. "Alrighty-roo! I'll take you to the houses and you can pick!" He exclaims. It's relaxing to see him happy. I let them hop off and I start to make my way to my own house. My house is made of a deep blue wood with a beautiful white roof. Small lights dangle from the edges of the roof, making them look like fairies, relaxing on my roof. I step inside and the scent of cinnamon hits my nose like a clean punch. I walk to the left into the kitchen and see a nice cinnamon pie with a note under it.

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