Part 1

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Jiyeon POV
"Hey isn't that the new girl?"
"She's weird,don't talk to her."
"What the hell is she wearing?!"
"What a nerd...."
I hear students whisper as I walk past them. I gulped and keep my head down.

My name is Jiyeon, this is my 2nd year in high school. As you know already, I'm the new transfer student in Bridle high.
Why did I transfer schools? Because I made a really, really bad decision at my last school.

Flash back from last year at my old school
"It's all your fault Jiyeon," she cried, covering her eyes in horror.

"Look I'm really sorry about what was a accident!!" I protested, shaking like crazy.
She scowled at me. Her eyes were blood-red.

"Im going to tell everyone what you did," she threatened.

"No,no please don't tell them....." I begged, as tears started to forming around my eyes.

"You deserve it Jiyeon, why don't I start by telling Haeseong," she said with a smug smile.

I froze at her words.

If Haeseong knew....he would never look at me the same way ever again..

My tone immediately changed.

"Listen to me, if you dare tell a single soul......." I snarled. I then whisper something in her ear.

Her eyes immediately widened.

"You think you will get away with this?....The truth will come out eventually Lee Jiyeon.And when it does, you will get what you deserve."
End of flashback
To this day, I still shiver at her words. I sigh and shake off the guilt.
No one will find out Jiyeon..stop being so delt with her already......

I look down at my class schedule which the principal gave me. Math class in classroom 152 first. I followed the class room numbers and eventually found classroom 152.

I peer inside the class room, everybody was already seated and the lesson had already begun. You got this Jiyeon.

I knock one the classroom door. A plump women opened the door. "Oh you must the new transfer student," she squealed."Don't just stand there come inside."

I walk into the classroom. The seated students stared at me.

"Well class, this is our new transfer student...Lee Jiyeon!" The woman introduced me. I blushed and did a quick bow.
The students continued to stare at me as if I was some sort of a freak.

"Well I'm your math teacher, my name is Mrs.Soong. Jiyeon, why don't you sit beside Taehyung," she nodded towards a boy  sitting beside a empty desk.

"Ah she's so lucky!" A girl with short black hair whispered.
"I wish I could sit beside him," another girl sighed.
Some of the female students glared at me.

I awkwardly walked to the empty desk with my pink backpack and sat down. Taehyung ignored me and didn't bother to say anything.  
Yeesh, so rude.

Mrs. Soong continued the class and started talking about algebra.

"So um, can you show me around the school?" I asked Taehyung, trying to make conversation.
He rolled his eyes

I zipped open my bag and realized I forgot my pencil case at home.
Dumb Jiyeon.

I look over at Taehyung who has a 3 extra pencils in his pencil case.

"Mind if I borrow a pencil?"
No response.

"Hello? Earth to Taehyung?" I suddenly snapped after losing my patience

He immediately reacted and glared at me.
"Gosh you're so annoying," Taehyung said. "And no, you can't have a pencil."

My left eye twitched.
"Selfish," I scowled at him.
What do the girls even see in him? He's annoying, rude and not even that good looking.

Taehyung stared at me, and narrowed his eyebrows.
I look closely at his face. He had beautiful chocolate almond eyes and full lips.

I take back the not good looking part that I said.

And from there on,I knew a lot of trouble was heading my way.

Authors note:
By the way "she" in the flashback will be revealed throughout the story.

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