A Fatherly Figure

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//Author's note: I personally Ship 2 and 7 together, more like as "old friends" or in a"Father-daughter" way. And from what I've experienced- There's not enough happening between them- They need love! and also! the "( )" Signs are the side-notes from yours truly~ <u< 

"Two? ....Twooooo?? Oh Twooooo!~" 7 sang, as she skipped into 2's workshop, giggling happily. Where has that Silly old Goof gone to? She thought to herself, as she poked her head into his room, only to find him asleep at his desk (which was sheet of wood propped up with two soda cans) 7 gasped lightly, before a soft smile perked at her lips as she walked into the room, and stood next to him.

"Nghnn....Zzzz...Hck-! Guh...~" 2 mumbled in his sleep, occasionally snorting, and snoring, causing 7 to giggle, She looked down at her friend, and she rubbed his back soothingly, smiling warmly down at him, The old codger must have fallen asleep on his work- as 7 looked down at the desk full of scattered drawings that 6 drew, He's always examining them, looking for answers to his questions, trying to find out what they mean. He was such a curious old pill, but the fact that he stays up so late researching to the point of loosing sleep, or leading to insomnia worried her, as she bit her lip, looking down at her lap. Until she felt something touch her hand, which was resting on the desk, She gasps and looks down at 2. He was awake.. He had one eye open, with a groggy smile on his face, as he held her hand, rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb

"Mnh...Hello, 7...~" 2 let out a yawn "What are you doing here?" He asked softly, his eyes adjusting to the light in his room, as he sat up, rubbing his head.

"Oh- Sorry for waking you.." 7 said awkwardly while rubbing her arm.

"No, No~" 2 shook his head and smiled, giving her hand a gentle pat. "come, sit down, Tell me what you need"

"Oh!" 7 smiled shyly, and she sat down on his desk, looking down at him "I-I just wanted to see you."

2 Gasped, and he placed his hand on his chest (where his heart would be) and smiled, his eyebrows furrowing "Awwhh~ Really? That's very sweet of you, 7!"

7 giggled, and she pet his head " Of course~! What's wrong with visiting with your favowite fwend evewy once in a while?~" he said in a baby-like tone, If she had a nose- it would be scrunched up, while she was giggling. 2 chuckled, and he stood up, and he wrapped his arms around her, he had to stand on his "toes" to match up to her height, 7 raised her eyebrows in surprise and looked down at 2. She smiled and hugged him back gently, she opened one eye as a little smirk of mischief swept across her face. She pulled away, and put her hands on his shoulders "Hey 2, Old friend~?"

2 looked up at her and smiled warmly "Yes, 7? What is it?"

7 giggled, and she looked down at him. "Can you do me a favor~?"

"Of course~! What do you need me to do?"

"Turn around, and hold your arms out"

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