Chapter 5

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Austin POV

Here I am ,with the girl of my dreams, holding here oh so close as she rests her head on my shoulder. could this get any perfect?

Me and ally are just sitting at the lunch tables, eating lunch. suddenly she looks at me with her big brown eyes that make anyone melt


"Yes my princess?" this makes her giggle.i saw a mischievous look in her eyes. then she stepped on lunch table and yelled

"I kissed my best friend!"

Knowing ally doesn't like attention this caught me by surprise and then stepped down and crashed her lips against mine.

And again felt like I was on fire only every time we kissed the fire became stronger. life was too good to be real. Ally was mine and mine only

Ally POV

I was sitting the guy of me dreams when I get tapped on the shoulder

"Oh hey Elliot!"

"Hey ally can I ask u something?"


"Ok here it goes. Ally Dawson will you do me the favor of going to the dance with me?"

I look over to austin and see his face is red and his eyes were filled with anger


"Great what time should I- wait did u say no?"



"Did u not see me yell out I kissed my best friend?"


"Elliot I have a boyfriend"

"Who is he I'll pound him for taking my girl"

Suddenly Austin gets up still with rage in his eyes

"So your going to pound me?" He shoots with an angry tone

"Seriously your dating him?"

I nod. I feel Austin's hand heat up.

"Is there a problem with me dating ally?"

Austin was getting mad. I thought it was cute he was getting over protective boyfriend mode

"Ally why are you falling for this player? He's playing you like a card! Go out with me I actually care about you. he's going to use u and then go to the next person! He's only going to hurt you!"

"Excuse me he is not a player! I don't feel comfortable with u talking shit about my boyfriend/best friend/partner! Austin is not using me! And the only one hurting me is you!"

" I like you and to prove it to you here!"

I was confused until he crashed his lips into mine and I swear I almost throw up. it was disgusting. he finally let go of me and Austin was about to attack

"Austin let me handle this"


So long chapter and yeah another chapter done and by the way I appreciate the people that have been reading my story and plz let me know who's reading my story for a shout out. so there's some drama and the next chapter will be more like a filler but I'll put up another chapter the same day which will ch 7. My story will not be like the others where ally is crying constantly cause I think she is a strong who doesn't cry over anything. so keep reading my story my beautiful people

Love y'all


I kissed my best friend! An auslly storyWhere stories live. Discover now