Once Upon a Mountain

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"Once upon a mountain..."

"There was a goat right dad?"

"A yeti actually but let me tell the story Mel. Okay"

"Okay okay, so once upon a mountain there was a yeti?"

"Ugh. Once upon a mountain there lived a boy."

"Does he have a..."

"His name doesn't matter... The boy had grown up on a cold winter mountain for many years. Leaping across its craggy, snow-capped landscapes with the dexterity of a buck."

"Don't tell me. It's this very mountain we're on."

"The very one. In fact exactly where we are on the edge of this cliff? That's where he sat many days and nights."

"Hmmm okay interesting..."

"He had never met any other human in his whole existence but he had seen plenty. Both from the village below where the people bustled about, and also from hikers."

"Like us, dad?"

"Well some of them were like us. Harmless. Just enjoying the scenery and the crisp cold."

"And the others?"

"Oh the others were bad. Hunters. Government officials. Conspiracy theorists."

"The Men in Black."

"Haha you could say that. Yes."

"No I mean the actual alien investigators from that movie we watched."

"Well no... but they might as well have been. You see, there was a rumour that a creature roamed deep within these ice-covered ridges. Half man, half beast."


"Apparently there was a cavern, hidden by endless snow, where the creature would burrow out so he could watch the humans. They say it's also where he slept to keep warm."

"Who was saying these things? These 'They' people."

"The usual crazies who spend too much time on the internet and even less out here in reality. Everyone likes a good conspiracy with just enough mystery after all."

"Yeah, I like mysteries too dad."

"Well one day a woman hiked up here all alone. They say her golden hair gleamed like a halo, eyes as green as oceans, and she had a smile that could melt ice."

"So she was half-dragon basically?"

"Ha! I guess you could say that, because she was also fierce. She spent many days and nights up here hoping to find the creature. Lighting bonfires that could be seen from the village itself."

"Did she find him? What did she eat? Drink? Where did she Sleep!?"

"Hold on buttercup. I'm getting there. Anyway, as you can see, there isn't much growing up here and no river either. So soon her supplies started running low and she still hadn't met the creature."

"And just as she was hungry, thirsty and losing hope, the creature rescued her with a fruitbasket."

"What? No. This isn't those Disney movies Melanie. That's not how things go in real life. No. She... left. Disappeared. But, the thing is, the boy up there had been watching her the entire time, captivated by her beauty and tenacity. Everyday he would leave his frozen mountain kingdom to watch the village. Hoping to see her again."

"Aww poor boy. And did he ever see her again?"

"Well actually he wasn't really a boy anymore. A young man you could say. And he didn't see her for a very long time. But people started seeing him. Pictures started showing up. Videos. Stories on blogs and secret government sites."

"Oh no!"

"Exactly. The young man wasn't hiding as well as he used to because he was afraid he would miss seeing the woman. He didn't want to miss her."

"Did the Men in Black catch him?"

"Almost. They set up traps you see. Nets. Trip-wires that shot tranquilizers. Bear-traps. It was bad."

"Poor yeti."

"Poor yeti indeed. But also lucky yeti. You see, because people had started seeing him, the woman also heard about it. And she came to find him again."

"And did she?"

"You bet! And oh how happy that young man was. He saw her from afar in her golden halo and gleaming smile and ocean eyes. He was afraid... but he was also excited. So much so that he didn't even check his surroundings."

"A trap got him, didn't it dad?"

"It did. It was bad. It was one of those tranquilizer traps too and four or five of them shot him down. That was when the woman saw him and she ran to him. She was crying. When she got there... all his hair was falling off."

"Why was it falling off dad?"

"He was allergic to the tranquilizers I guess. I don't know. But the woman moved him away then covered the hair with snow. When the hunters arrived, well they just found a regular man and a woman."

"They didn't know he was the yeti!"

"Not a clue."

"And the woman?"

"Well she fell in love with the yeti. Brought him down the village and taught him many things. Many, many things. Sometimes they come back up to this mountain and remember that day."

"Do you think we'll ever see them? The woman and the yeti?"

"Well..look over there Mel. There comes the woman now."


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