The Temple of Anguidae

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Image courtesy of Nivalis70 -


Coils of smoke drift from the rolled sheaf held between two slender fingers the colour of snow. A constant clip-clop echoes across the cobblestones, followed by the rattle of carriages. The man leans against a barred door. He blows smoke into the sky. The Atmos Clerics predict rain

"Afternoon Father Gaius."

A woman approaches clutching a closed parasol against her padded shoulder. The dress fits snugly around her waist then flows out like a birdcage.

"It's just Gaius now." The man says. He takes another drag and watches with cool grey eyes. The same colour as the sky.

"The doors of Temple of Anguidae may be shut, father, but your vocation remains essential."

The man pushes away from the door. His vestments flutter but the lady remains still.

"Anguidae is dead. The dragons are dead. What still remains for this clergyman?" The woman opens her mouth but Gaius cuts her off, "I'll tell you what remains. Death."

He pushes past her, hands already drawing sigils in the air.

"If Anguidae is dead, why does your magic remain?"

Gaius sweeps his hand across the air to complete the sigil. Ripples simmer to life, distorting the air,

"Because Anguidae was never real."

He steps into the portal and vanishes.


The town of Notting buzzes with chatter. Women in flowing robes barter with merchants. The men stand at attention beside their wives. their attire is plain save for the emblem embroided on their chests. The Emblem of Anguidae.

The children never enter the market. It is an iron clad rule. Instead, they play on the outskirts of the intertwining square, where the gilded grass stretches towards the village. It is on that field, further from the rabble of juveniles, that a mop of black sprints towards the village. At his feet, a golden coil slithers after him with obsidian fangs bared. The child, a boy, screeches into the empty village.

The child stumbles and the serpent slithers around his ankle deftly. Its fangs pierce the skin. Another scream fills the vacant homes. The boy tumbles, grazing palms and knees. Searing heat cascades along his leg and he looks towards the creature to see the head slip under the skin. His body jolts still, a frigid grip tightening his chest and freezing his heart. The rest of the snake slithers into his skin like a worm and he watches its bulk wriggle up towards his chest. There is no sound as it latches against his heart. The beat stills for a moment.


The creature that awakes is no longer a boy. Neither is it a serpent. Anguidae opens his mouth and belches fire. Wings burst from his spine and flutter. He tests the body, then draws a sigil in the air. A moment later Father Gaius falls from nothingness and lands at the boy's feet. His eyes flutter open and he stares wide eyed at the child.

"Who in Anguidae are you?"

The boy's eyes flicker. He speaks,

"I am."

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