2☆Kim Jiyu

891 37 8

Holy Coly

That camera crazy student is gonna be the death of me. I had finally ran away from that dude. He made me ten minutes late to class on the first day. I feel like I'm going crazy. I can't stand the embarrassment of walking in late and having everyone stare at you. The only good thing that happened today so far was that Chris saved me a seat.

The teacher let me off since it was the first day and then I sit own. Then she went and was going on and on about Pablo Picasso, who I thought everyone would know about if they're majoring in some kind art. I've never been more annoyed and bored.

"Chris, can you wake me if the teacher ever stops talking about Picasso." I whispered, making sure the teacher didn't hear me before laying my head down on the desk.

I slowly started to fall asleep. A nice, long nap would put me in a better mood.

"Sorry for coming so late."

A certain someone's voice pierced my progress of drifting off, whoever that person is, I swear I will kill them in their sleep just so they know how I feel.

I lifted my head to see who it was.

"It's okay, I'll let you off the hook this time, but only this time." The teacher then instructed the late student to sit in the last vacant seat.

Which just happened to be next to my seat.

I let my head fall into my hands as the student walked toward the seat next to me. Why does this have to be me?

"Hello, Miss......" The male voice questioned.

"Jiyu." I groaned

I heard the male groan and then he took a big breath, "Right." He sat down and got situated. I lifted my head slightly and looked at Chris. I mouthed "help me". She gave me a weird face and turned her attention back to the teacher. How am I going to survive this year?


Right after the teacher left the classroom, Camera Boy stood up and put his notebook into his backpack.  I duck my head own and there was a long silence so I assumed that he had left already, but when I turned my head to check, he was just standing there trying hard not to laugh. How am I supposed to leave when he's right there?! I turned the other way only to see that Chris had fallen asleep and couldn't save me from this situation.

"why?" I muttered to myself

"I don't know why either." Camera Boy laughed as he said it.

I stood up and glared at Camera Boy, trying to seem strong, but he only laughed harder.

"You seem to be over the fact that your Barbara...thing...died." 

"There is nothing that will make the loss of Barbara less painful." He said while pretending to cry.

How could Chris sleep through all of this? Please wake up and save me.

After another awkward silence, he cleared his throat, "We got off on the wrong foot so let's pretend none of that Barbara business happened, but you'll still have to make it up somehow." He said very cooly.

Trying too hard to be cool. I see you.

"Hello, my name is Yoo Kihyun, let's be friends!" He did a 90 degrees bow to accompany his tacky introduction. He stuck out his hand waiting for me to respond. Two can play at this game.

"It's nice to meet you Yoo Kihyun, my name is Kim Jiyu." I wink and bowed a full 90 degrees before turning, rejecting his hand.

I peek to see him slowly dying on the inside because of the cringe, well at least I know it worked.

"Chris...wake up lazy bum."

I nudged Chris until she woke up. She gave me a face and put her stuff up.

"Did you happen to call me a lazy bum when I was asleep? I could feel it." She shoved more books into her bag and looked up, questioning me. I left her without an answer. I turned towards Kihyun, gave him another wink, and left, taking the confused Chris with me.

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