Chapter 1: The Intro, I guess

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      I died. I took my last breath and left. But I still feel alive. Where am I? The after life? It looks like....nothingness. It's all dark with pale glowing dots. Hold up a minute, am I But how? I'm not an astronaut and I certainly do not have an oxygen tank hooked up to me. I'm just wearing the clothes I died in, a teal tank top, a Red vs Blue pull over, ripped jeans, and black Converse. Wait, if I'm dead, are my parents dead too or are they alive? Is there any chance of them surrviving that robbery? Am I the only one who died or were there others? I suddenly feel my skin starting to burn. What's happening now? As a dead person should I even be able to feel this pain or anything at all? Before I can control it my eyes shut just as everything around me dissapears. Almost like...magic.


        I awake, sweat crawling down my back. I take a peek around my temporary campsite. I'm still here. Alive. It was a dream. Just a dream it was. Simply a dream. But it didn't feel like a dream. It felt...real. It was...Familiar. But, clearly, I am alive and have not died. Anyway, I'm ten years old, I felt older in the dream. Maybe around 16 years old, more or less. Wait, hold up did I just...see the future? Nah, that can't be it. Sure magic can exist, but I don't know how to see the future. Whatever, I need to focus on other things, I've already wasted so much time. I can't just keep my Master waiting. I can't wait to learn more spells!

      I stand up on my wobbly, lanky legs and stretch out my body. I stuff all of my equipment into a small drawstring bag. I close my eyes and whisper "show me" under my breath and think of the location I want to go to. A mental map appears in my head, telling me where to go and that I did the spell correctly. I fist pump the air and start to run out of the cave, out of the woods. I soon am standing in one of the many deserts. I stop running and hold my bag with my left arm. I stand up straight and say, "Wings of light appear." My voice was sturdy and I felt confidence swelling up inside me. My back gets a bit hot as bright whitish-yellow wings appear on my back. Man, I am so glad I chose to study light as my magic element, though I do know a few helpful spells not from my element. 

       I shoot off from the ground, my sparkling wings guiding me through the bright blue sky. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I soared higher and higher. I snapped my head back to the ground, focusing on my objective. I'm not powerful enough to make my wings stay for the whole trip so I decided to hitch a train the rest of the way. After a minute or two of gliding towards North, the direction my destination is, I finally spot train tracks. Thankfully, these train tracks were heading towards the town I needed to go to. After spotting the train, I dove down, my wings tucked behind me as the train grew closer. Before I could go splat all over the roof of the train, my I spread my wings to catch some air and gently glided down onto the speeding train. I laid down on top of the cold, hard metal, wind roaring through my hazel hair, and got some music going.


     I was just lounging around, on top of the speeding train, when suddenly I heard shouts yelling under me, followed by, what sounded like, a metal door opening and closing. Then there was silence. I tried to think nothing of it, since it wasn't any of my business but I couldn't help but imagine scenerios that couldv'e occured. Maybe a child was misbehaving and the parents got rid of them. Or there was a brawl and the loser got kicked out. Demona, focus. Think of the light and the spells you're soon going to learn. Stop thinking of other random people. It's their business, so but out. I turned up my music and gazed up at the blue sky, birds flapping their wings high above me. 

         Not long after the noise had occurred, a young boy, probably around my age, came up to the roof of the train. Where I was. He looked sickly, as if he was going to puke. He didn't notice me as he went to the edge of the train. Fear washed over me at the thought of such a young kid, throwing his life away. I was about to call out to him, when he sat down at the edge of the train, his small feet dangling at the edge of the train. Relief over came me, as I relaxed again. The boy had electric (lol pun intended, read on to get it.) blonde hair and bright green eyes that remind me of the fresh plants in spring. After a minute or of silence, the kid starts to choke. I get up and am about to go to his aid, when he pukes out the side of the train. I freeze. Ew, vomit...and don't you start judging me, I'm still a kid. After getting over the fact that he's regurgitating, I go to his side, and take a seat next to him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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