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"Rise and shine Elisha!" Yoongi chirped as he parted the curtains of the window in a carefree manner.

Another sunny and joyous day for the lively scientist, except her. He faced the disturbed girl from her sleep; stirring uncomfortably on the bed because of the bright light hitting her squinted eyes. Even more, his white lab coat bathed in the sun's light gave off a strong effect to blind her.

"Please don't say it like that again." Elisha groaned and sluggishly pulled up the sheet to cover her face. 

"What's wrong with that?" He placed both his respective hands either side of his waist and made a pouty look.

She yanked the sheet down from her face with a sign of slight annoyance and retorted, "It sounds weird to you and be like a walking happy virus! I beg of you please don't."

Elisha concealed her face again and attempted to resume her pleasant sleep. While doing so, she mulled over the big difference between the 'scientist Yoongi' and the 'rapper Yoongi' from her world. Both are geniuses in their own professions, yet there's a big gap within their personalities. She still can't believe she would meet her bias closely on this ludicrous way and somehow not entirely him. Just seeing him spouting with scientific terms and intellectual explanations, plus his egocentric and buoyant personality—like a ball of high energy inserted to him—she can't help but to cringe.

Elisha suddenly noticed the heavy weight pressing down the mattress of her bed and sensed a warm breath fanning beneath the sheet. She jerked the sheet down again, then her eyes terribly bugged out. Elisha saw his hands placed either side of her head; supporting his inclined body to face her down so close. Yoongi's grin almost showing his remarkable pink gum.

"I'm sorry Elisha, I'm not like the idol of your world and this is who I really am," He admitted with low, rough voice.

The beating organ in her chest begun to pump rapidly and sent hot growing sensation within her ears. She wanted to hide under the sheet again from his alluring gaze, but her hands were frozen to move. The scientist eventually lifted himself up and unmindful of reducing the tension in her.

"My house, my rules so you can't tell me what to do. Now get up and go downstairs to eat breakfast!" Yoongi reminded merrily as he left the room and the immobile foreign girl alone.

A marvelous way to fully awake a sleepy person indeed.

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