Pregnancy Hurts (part 2)

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(A/N: Hello, beautiful people.  It's an honour to have you back and I hope you are here for the part two of this (two shot?) but if you haven't read the first part then quickly read it and then come back here. Ok, are we all caught up?. Good. Let's get going then. Enjoy! ;)

Song: Fairytale (by Alexander Rybak)

(Btw I don't own this song)


"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory"
-Dr Seuss

:Two Years Later:
(Levi's P.O.V)

"Nice job man! We were in trouble , if we hadn't found you then the band could have gone to the dogs!" Hah that's nice way of putting it, I scoff

"Tch, whatever" I pack my violin up and make my way to the exit

"Jeez what's his problem?" I hear murmurs as I close the door, tch idiots.

(Hanji's P.O.V)

"Hey don't be so hard on him Eren, his fiancé left him two years ago today...can't say I blame her though"

"She did?!" Eren states at me with wide eyes as if urging me to continue.

I sigh and decide to start from the beginning.

(A/N: Hanji is Narrating)

"They met when Levi was on holiday back in his home town in France. It was purely by fate that she managed to hit him over the head with a book causing him to fall over and thus beginning their first ever conversation"

"She was a lover of (f/h) and he was a lover of music. Hence the Violin playing."

"They hit it off right away and, within a few months, started dating"

"Your going to have to excite me more because this story if wayyy too long and boring... no offence"

"Shut up and pay attention. Basically what I'm trying to say was that they were a match made in heaven. That is, until (Y/N) fell pregnant"

"She did?!"

"Yeah, now shut up. Everything was great, the baby was healthy, the mum was healthy and believe it or not, Levi was happy"

"That is until she was attacked. You see Levi worked for a lot of different people. It's how he maintained his family and fed everyone. But a lot of these people we pretty iffy and if you wronged them, well, let's just say you'd know about it"

"Levi was a pretty hard shell to crack so they thought up the only way of hurting him. (Y/N). It was solely by coincidence that she was pregnant at the time of the attack but I suppose they would think of it as a bonus."

"As all fathers are, Levi was extremely protective and when he heard she was in hospital because of him, he snapped. They got into an argument and all I know is that he hit her and damaged the baby"

"Oh my god, were they alright?!"

"Yeah, thankfully the baby and (Y/N) were ok but (Y/N) isn't the most forgiving person, and in that situation I don't blame her."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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