Chapter 1

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Dan entered the old, but still maintained building just before 8pm. It became a habit of his - always running late, just a few minutes before his radio show was supposed to start. To his wonder, he somehow always managed to arrive just on time.

During his chaotic walk here, he met a lot of young people on the streets. That indicated typical Friday night. Each one of them was looking forward to have fun. They all craved to enjoy the beginning of the weekend in the best way possible. Evening was indeed chilly as it was slowly beginning of the November, but that apparently didn't prevent young people Dan's age to go out.

However, Dan was never a big fan of parties and celebrations. That's why he was more than fine to work on Friday nights. It even became something Dan was truly looking forward to. Not only this job got him reasonable payment but Dan truly liked it. It may have been only a local radio, but Dan couldn't be happier.

Almost a year ago he saw an advertisement which said this local radio was looking for new people. Desperate for money as Dan was, he decided to take a chance. For a reason unknown to him, they hired him and he was even given his own radio show on Friday nights. They agreed to fully respect his university schedule so he wouldn't need to leave out any classes. Without much effort, everything worked out very well. 

Dan never knew this was something he wanted to do, but here he was - happier and luckier than ever.

Finally, inside of the radio building, he greeted doorman John and ran up the stairs, trying to unzip his coat in the process so he'll save precious time. Opening the door, Dan smiled. He made it. His mixing table with microphone and laptop were already waiting for him as usual.

Dan quickly checked time - 7.59pm. It's time. Feeling of happiness flooded him as he sat down, put his headphones on and pressed a little red button which said on air.

Smiling widely, Dan took a deep breath and said the words he was dying to say for a week:

"Hello guys! What's up? I hope you're all having great evening. It's 8pm and for the next two hours, I'm here for our usual Friday evening discussion - so bring it on people! I can't wait to hear what have you all been up to, my dear audience. Feel free to send anything from song requests up to anything you'd like to share with us. Life chat is opened! You're listening to Dan and this is Late Friday Show."


In the meantime, barefoot boy was walking down the street. Phil looked around and held onto his thin sweater a bit tighter as if it could keep him any warmer. It was so chilly tonight.

Slowly, he began to walk again despite being very cold and in much pain. He needed to find some shelter as soon as possible. Yeah, you guessed right. Phil was homeless. His parents kicked him out almost five months ago and he was on his own, struggling to survive ever since.

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