Chapter 3

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When music break came to end, Dan decided to take a look at chat one last time. He was shocked to find out he literally had hundreds of unread messages.

"Oh my God, people! What happened? You kind of almost blew the live chat up" He laughed as he scrolled through the chat to find out more.



Man! You can't be serious! Why didn't you tell us you could sing like that?



As the chat went on like this, Dan slowly understood what happened. The minute he did it, he wished he could just delete his whole existence. Delete and then burn. Then take the ashes, run over them with truck and bury them 6 feet under. Just in case. He took a minute to brace himself before he turned to microphone again.

"As it turns out I must have left the on air button on, am I right? Jesus Christ people I'm so sorry you have no idea. What I did was unacceptable and it won't happen again. I'm sorry you had to listen to my shrieking noises. Let's just pretend this never happened, please!"


No Dan, don't be silly! You were great!

Stop that! You have nothing to be ashamed of.

Daaaaaan hush! Why is there's no recording company running after you yet?

Dan never felt more embarrassed in his entire life. He awkwardly thanked people but quickly changed the subject. He was such an idiot! Who forgets the on air button while deciding to have fucking karaoke marathon at work while he has his radio show? Dan apparently. 

I.WANT.TO.EUTHANIZE.MYSELF.RIGHT.NOW – Dan though. Being so awkward as he was, he put on another song so he could calm himself down. It'll be okay. Everyone will forget about this terrible, terrible incident and he'll keep on with his usual radio show and will do what he does the best – talk to people and play them their favorite songs. As the song went on, Dan calmed down but he made sure he wasn't singing along this time.

He continued with radio show for the last couple of minutes he had left. People seemed to thankfully understand and didn't speak much about Dan's little incident. Quickly, Dan was back in his good mood again and 10pm arrived even sooner than he expected. It was time for him to say goodbye for tonight.

"Aaaand that's for tonight guys! I hope you had nice time, everyone! Thank you for forgetting about my terrible incident but please don't forget to look after yourselves for the next week and meet me next Friday at the usual time. Thank you for listening. This was Dan and Late Friday show. Byeeee!"


Phil was still absolutely in awe, when Dan said his goodbyes and ended his show. Why would he think so low about himself? He was great and he surely sang beautifully. Phil wished he could tell Dan how special he was - he wanted to hug him and tell him he had absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. It hurt him that someone as kind and loving as Dan, who always saw only the good in people, couldn't see how flawless he was himself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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