Chapter 2

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"So how was your week? Let me know! I'm gonna read through the live chat now..."

Dan took a few seconds to go through live chat which was going crazy. He literally needed to pause it so he would be able to read something. 

"Oh you... Slow down a bit!" - he chuckled and picked a few which he'll read out loud.


Susan: Dan! My school is a living hell right now! Any advice on how to survive this with upcoming exams? Also I just want you to know you're awesome and I love your show very much!

"Ooooh, thank you Susan! That means a lot! I love you too! And for your problem, seriously – school is terrible in every way imaginable but you can do this. It may be hell now but you'll be done soon with the victorious feeling. Just hold on and you'll get there."


Patrick: Play some more Panic!at the Disco!

"Indeed I will Patrick. Actually I have it prepared in upcoming playlist! More Panic!at the disco on the way!"


Emily: My week has been great Dan! I got engaged!

"CONGRATS EMILY! That is great and we're all happy for you. Just remember we're all waiting for the wedding invitations." – Dan laughed "...just kidding, of course!"


Sandra: Hello Dan. My week has been very stressful but nothing I couldn't handle. TELL US MORE ABOUT YOURSELF!

"Oh my... Really? Why are you interested in such a fail as me??" he said laughing "...but um... yeah... sure... What would you want to know? I'm 22, studying law at uni, I love music, cookies and books. And I'm basically a living magnet to awkward situations. I also tend to overthink everything which is annoying. I hope that answered your question??" Dan explained and giggling continued: "what else do we have here?"


Ben: You're studying law, man? Impressive. What on earth you're doing at the local radio, then?

"Well... thank you, Ben but it's not that much of a big deal. I work here cause I love this job and you guys so much. It's nice to be here and hang out with you."


Julia: That's so sweet Dan – we love you too. Could you maybe play some Ed Sheeran?

"Of course I will, Julia! Which one would you guys want to hear the most? Wait.. I know! The latest one? Galway Girl is pretty amazing! Adding it to playlist now!.. Aaand okay... Few more before I play the songs for you guys..."


Mia: My week was terrible. Some people are just so annoying I can't stand them. It makes me think some people really are better than the others. It's just what this world is. Do you know this feeling Dan?

"Oh wow! Let me stop you right there, Mia. I understand sometimes people seem to be annoying and you just want to be angry at the whole world but this isn't about the other people – it's about you. The fact that you think there are some people who mean something more than the others is something utterly wrong and you need to understand that. We're all equal and no matter how much people annoy you, just take a deep breath and focus on your friends and people you like. Don't hate on anyone and you'll feel much better. Good luck with that...I guess"

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