Moments of Pure Magnificence

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My heart beats slowly as I breath in the winter's midnight air. Gazing up at the sky above me, the feeling of pure beauty ignite within my inner core.

The sky covered in billions of bright stars spark the darkness with a ravishing pulse of light.

The stars look like a bunch of angels from heaven looking down on us, making sure that I am safe and sound also, that no one will hurt me.

Sitting in a tree, captured by the soft and such, soothing energy circling the area around me.

Embracing everything inch by inch, feeling so alive and joval knowing that I am created, to see things of what others might be missing out on discovering.

I close my eyes, taking a deep but, calming breath of the night's cool whispers of wind. As I keep my eyes closed, I listen to my surroundings silently.

From my amazement it seems to be that I can hear the melody of a songbird. It's elegant music, outshining the rest of the birds that chirped at midnight.

Delicate snowflakes fall on the ground, melting the
second as they hit.

It has been a long time since I have heard the peaceful music, from a songbird in quiet a while.

December bells chimming once again with triumph and power, making everyone believe that there is a meaning in life to live on.

As I overlook the stars high above me, from where I sit apon the tree branch staring off with wide treasuring eyes.

I search around wondering what it would feel like to take flight in a wide open world of freedom.

I sense a pressents of life flying towards me with a sweet and caring aura.

I glance to my left and see what simply made me awaken with a joval smile on my pale, porcelain face.

In front of me was to my astonishment , it was the songbird I heard before out in the trees somewhere.

My eyes widened even more because, I couldn't believe what was happening this moment, this very second of my life.

The songbird landed on the palm of my hand facing me with, such an extraordinairy way that words can't describe.

This songbird was no ordinary bird, this songbird had a powerful aura, a very substantial aura.

As the bird was standing on the palm of my hand, it stared at me with it's caramel brown tender, loving eyes.

Something about this bird was very well not from here in this world on earth, this songbird was a bright white kind of like, it was wearing God's white robe.

What. . . Wait . . . Is this really what I think it is. . . No no no no no, this can't be what I am witnessing right now in this moment.

Is this songbird the songbird that God sent me to prove that He, Himself is actually here with me. I could not believe my own eyes to what I know now is right in front of my face.

The all knowing, The all mighty and The omnipresent one and only God, sent me a songbird to hear his voice.

Hearing this and also, finding out about this rare songbird making me feel, safe and protected. The songbird sings a song in a way that is so very calming like, a lullaby at night.

Knowing that God the Holy Spirit is alway and will be here for me even, when the waters are rough.

He is the most presious person that I am so utterly and so very special to get to know Him and to love Him with every ounce of faith and love I have until I, go to Heaven one day.

I yawn as I now see the sun rising up before me ever so slightly. The songbird spread it's white gorgeous wings and, takes flight back to where its home maybe.

I get up off the branch I was sitting on, once now on the frosty ground beneath me. Wrapped in my fleece wolf blanket, I then start to feel relaxed knowing what happened.

Breathing in a bunch of the fresh winter's air one last time and smiled to myself,
muttering softly, "Wow, that was certently an amazing moment. I hope to see that songbird again at my midnight star gazing tree." I say in a whispered voice.

I slowly make my way to my home to have a nice long rest for what tomorrow bring.

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