A Special Visit

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Okay so that's my character up top. Also many of you thought that she is pregnant, but she might be sick. Who knows, anyway on with the story!!!

Your pov

I sat on the couch holding my stomach, groaning. I felt horrible, "(Y/n) are you alright?" Farah had sat down next to me.

"Um yeah, I think. I actually puked on our way over here." she smirked. "Did you and Rin do the nasty last night?"

My cheeks started to burn, "Y-yeah. Why?" she chuckled. "That's an after effect, almost like period cramps but without the blood."

I sighed in relief, "Do you have anything that could help me with the pain?" she smiled at me and nodded.

"I'll go get it." She got up and walked the short distance to the kitchen, she opened a cabinet and grabbed a small black jar.

"Here (Y/n). This should help." She made a type of drink from what looked like ground coffee beans and gave it to me.

"Drink it slowly." I did as told and I could slowly feel the pain and nausea go away.

She gave me a warm smile, "So how do you feel now?" I stared at the bottom of the cup and a smile crept on my face. "Better than when I came here."

Rin walked into the room and passionately kissed me. I was still trying to get used to it, being loved that is. I melted into the kiss and I heard a high pitched squeak along with a thud.

Rin broke the kiss and I saw Yukio on the floor with a nose bleed. "I didn't know Yukio could make that noise."

"He didn't." I heard a unfamiliar voice and I turned my head behind me. Standing there was a girl with long pink hair and blue eyes. She had what looked like a panda bear hat that went to her hips. She wore jean shorts and a shirt I've never seen before.

"You must be the famous (Y/n) Farah over here told me about." I nodded and my cheeks started to warm up.

She looked at Yukio and slightly frowned, "I'm starting to think he hates me." She doesn't know does she? Her eyes darted back to me, "Know what?" I was stunned. "Oh (Y/n), Cassidy can read minds expect for Rin and Yukio."

Farah chimed in and smiled. That explains everything, "Will you two girl give me and (Y/n) some alone time? I wanna ask her something."

Rin had a red blush across his face and he was messing with his shirt. Farah nodded and dragged the passed out Yukio out of the room.

"What's wrong Rin?" He looked at me, his eyes full of sadness. "Mephisto is going to kick you out." He began to tear up, "But why?" he shook his head. "I have no idea, but if you do we'll have to be separated."

My eyes stung, "So then lets go talk to him." He clinched his teeth and his hair covered his eyes, "It's not that easy! Don't you get it! He wants you out because you killed people!"

Every word he said hit me like a bullet. It hurt like hell, and I was getting mad. "Rin I had to do it." He punched the wall behind me, "No you didn't."

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I slapped him. "I thought you loved me Rin, but you lied. You lied and played me like a god damn record! I was stupid enough to think that someone like you would like someone like me!"

Rin was silent. "I'm done. If you don't want to try to get me back then you can go screw yourself."

I ran out the door, tears pouring out of my eyes as I ran. I was so stupid, and now I paid the price.

Rin pov~

I felt the sting of her slap. I didn't know why I said those things, and I didn't mean to. I wanted to go run after her but u couldn't move.

Farah and Cassidy ran into the room. "What happened?!" I cried, "S-she's gone and its all my fault!"

I fell to the floor and broke down. The love of my life was no longer mine, and it hit me like a wrecking ball.


I know its a crappy ending to a book, but I'm going to create a sequel since this book is kinda crappy. I hate to end a book like this, but it'll name a great sequel. I'm working on it now. Also with the sequel, the chapters are gonna be longer and have way better grammer

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