09 The Weeping Willow

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This was for a competition called Mythos! I didn't do very well for this challenge since I think I was a little lazy tbh. It didn't really address the prompt very much but oh whale it looks good ALONE (which isn't really a good thing LOL, since covers SHOULD reflect the story inside). 

I did struggle a lot with the water (as you can see). I was trying to add some ripples and effects so it looked like the girl was submerged in it more obviously (she already was in some parts, but I wanted to make it stand out more). 

Here's another tip: WHEN IN DOUBT, SMUDGE IT OUT!

Seriously, it's a great hack. Just smudge the text to make it look more stylised, and draw random lines and smudge it as well to create a wispy effect HAHAHA I AM A FRAUD. 


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