Chapter Two

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You awoke to the sound of rapid knocking coming from your bedroom door. Glancing over at the clock, you realized that it was only 2 in the morning. What time had you even gone to bed? Too early, most likely. You hadn't even spent any time with Stan or anyone. Reluctantly, you got out of bed, stomping lazily over to the door. "What could you possibly want at--"

"Shut up and let me in." Dippers voice was groggy and tired. There were bags under his eyes when he rubbed them with the sleeve of his unbuttoned red flannel. "Mabel has kept me up all night with her stupid werewolf movies. She wont stop squealing." He moved to the couch, pushing the rolled up experimental carpet onto the floor, and laid down, one arm covering his eyes.

Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Why wasn't she over those things already? She was going to be eighteen at the end of the summer. "Oh, I'm sorry Dipper. Do you wanna sleep in here tonight? I don't care as long as you don't keep me up."

"Yeah, if you'd let me I would love that." Dipper moved his arm to look at you and half smiled, his tired eyes roaming around the room with remembrance. You looked down flustered at the way he'd looked at you, and the way his shirt was revealing his slightly toned body. No, you thought to yourself. Stan would kill me. Plus, he's younger than me.

"Sure." You finally answered, throwing yourself back down onto your bed. Dipper was snoring the night away in no time, and you were just about to fall asleep when there was a cold breeze that suddenly ghosted through your room. Rolling over you noticed that the window was open. Strange shadows danced along the walls in the dim moonlight. "Oh, well." It wasn't a big deal, it actually felt kind of nice. And in the end it helped you fall asleep.

"Hey'ya Curious." Bill chirped, floating around in front of you. "Just thought I'd pay you a little visit. Did you miss me? Admit it, you missed me~." His eye flashed images of the first time you met.

"How are you here?" You asked, waving away the little pixels that were floating around you.

"So, so many questions, Curious. Don't you know curiosity killed the cat?" Bill laughed, sitting down on the couch behind you. "Dream demon, remember. So I can visit you anytime I want. Any Time ."

You eyed him suspiciously, "What do you want? Your favor?"

"Not quite yet. I just wanted to talk, Curious. Maybe about how close you and Pine-tree seem to be getting. Don't think I didn't notice the way you looked at him." The dream demon clicked his tongue, floating up behind you. "I'll pay you a visit a little later. Looks like it's about time that you woke up, Curious. And before you ask, I have my ways of seeing you without it being in a dream."

You sputtered awake, breathing heavily, beads of sweat forming on your forehead. "Dipper?" You called quietly. You stood up, walking over to the couch where he was sleeping. He faced away from you, his body moving slightly up and down as he breathed, peaceful. "Dipper?" You said again, this time a little louder, shaking his shoulder gently.

"Yes, {Y/N}?" Dipper groaned, his morning voice that sort of deep that you would normally fall for. You looked down at him, taking note of the way his shaggy brown hair was a mess atop his head and the faint five o' clock shadow he had donned overnight.

"Have you ever heard of someone named Bill Cipher?"

At this Dipper sat straight up, his eyes piercing yours. He grabbed your arm, pulling you down on the couch next to him. His chocolate brown eyes were heavy when he spoke, "What do you know about Bill Cipher? We defeated him years ago." Dipper raked a hand through his hair, seemingly stressed, and looked at you carefully. "You didn't make a deal with him did you?"

You had. In the forest when you'd taken his hand, he said that it was a deal. But you hadn't known. Bill had only said that he wanted a favor, nothing more, nothing less. That couldn't be so bad, could it? "I met him in the forest after I shook the hand of this statue. I was just so curious to see what it was. He said he only wanted a favor, and that it wouldn't be anything bad." You explained, shaking your head in confusion. "He just came to me in a dream, that's why I woke you up. He said that he would pay me a visit later."

"Jesus, {Y/N}. Okay, me and Mabel will stay with you all day. We can go into town and do some stuff, keep you away from anything that looks suspicious." He sighed heavily, taking your hand and leading you out into the kitchen.

"D-Dipper!" You blushed, pointing out that you were only in your sleep wear, that consisted of boy short underwear and a yellow Nirvana tee. After hurrying back to your room and slipping on a faded yellow sweater and a pair of denim jean shorts, you made your way out to the kitchen, sitting down at the table across from Dipper and Mabel. "So what are we gonna do today, then?"

"We're gonna keep you away from that jerk of a demon Bill, that's what." Mabel set down her knitting supplies and smiled brightly. "We can go to the mall! It's kinda small, but its just outside of town. Ill ask Grunkle Stan if we can take the golf kart."

You grinned at the two, liking the idea. It would be fun, and Bill wouldn't dare approach you in such public area. The three of you ate your breakfast and said your goodbyes to Stan, then headed off to the mall. It was a short ride, considering it wasn't that far out of town.

"Alright," Mabel adjusted her burgundy knitted sweater and hopped out of the back of the gold kart. Dipper shut off the ignition and walked over to where you and Mabel were standing.

"Don't think that we're going to be going into a bunch of girly stores." He grunted, following behind the both of you.

"Oh, shut up bro-bro. It's {Y/N}'s day." Mabel bubbled, heading up to the top floor of the mall. "Where to first?"

"Is there any place that sells like, things related to mysteries and old objects? I like to look around in those stores." You wondered. Dipper beamed, his eyes lighting up with happiness.

"You're just another Dipper.." Mabel murmured, letting her sweater sleeves drop down over her hands in defeat.


Okaii, so, this is my first Gravity falls fanfic and it's probably really bad but bear with me here. /~\ I'm trying. Anyways, I hope you guys like it so far. I wanted to do a Bill because he's my favorite character, and I feel like I would be able to do his personality kind of well? Okaii, bye, I'll let you keep reading.

Just another dream (Human!Bill x Reader x Dipper Pines)Where stories live. Discover now