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It was very simple to be honest.

I've actually been convinced to talk a bit by my friends Rœse and, everyone knows, Morinozuka. Morinozuka has me talk for him because he's shy in big crowds, and Rœse.... She's just bad ass I suppose? I don't have any classes with Tamaki, nor lunch. So when we start up clubs that'll be the only time I get to see him. Morinozuka is in my speech class but gets rather shy. And, wonderful surprise, Kaoru is in my Geometry class because he took Algebra his eighth year with Hikaru instead of Pre Algebra.

During lunch I have Morinozuka to chat with along with a three boys named Robert, Eth, Aki and a girl named Miranda.

Thankfully no one pesters us then but I might end up ditching them on the West Campus and join Hikaru on the East Campus because he's rather lonely over there. I'll most likely alternate between them and Hikaru until he finds some friends; yet knowing him and how closed in he is without his twin, he'll be alone. Hopefully if I join him he'll talk and attract some people.

I know this is out of my nature to care, but Hikaru worries me outside of the club. He has zero classes with his brother and I might coax the chairman to switch my Geometry class so I'm in Hikaru's. Yes it'd bang up my schedule a quite a bit but I rather make sure the boy's alright than have a stable plan. If I have to end up being booted out of a class and retake one I've already done, I'd even rather do that. He's only just recently gotten used to taking to people and that's with the host club. Almost no one in his year that's male knows him, and I doubt he wants to hang out with women twenty four/seven. Long story short, the lad is causing me a bit of stress. I want him to feel comfortable in the world of highschool even if I have to hold his hand doing so.

And same with Morinozuka mostly due to his strict household, him taking all advanced classes, and him discovering a new side of himself. Yes he's a grade above but I'm glad I have speech with him or he probably wouldn't know what to do with himself. I don't know if anyone knows this, but Morinozuka needs physical contact. He can't function without it and it's kind of terrifying to see such a large man freeze up and forget who he is. Meaning I'm sitting there forcing myself to talk to him when the teacher is talking risking getting in trouble just so I have the excuse to messing-ly punch him in the arm or pat his back or do anything! He's too used to having Mitsukuni be there for him and it's extremely upsetting for me to see him in such a state. Especially when he's going through such a new experience not even Mitsukuni knows, to my knowledge I'm the only one. The world is terrifying for him at the moment, even if he's the tallest one in his school and is a black belt. No one would bully him at school of course, but home? Not to mention the poor man still bullies himself over the smallest things, making other people get mad at him or "grounding" himself from his favourite favourite things. My only fear is that I might actually have to hold his hand at some point. Dear god when we have to give speeches in front of the whole class... Oh Jesus poor poor Morinozuka...

But other than this and that and my friends worrying the hell out of me? I'm rather well. School is entertaining for me, gives me something to do.

Haha, now watch me eat my words when I become overstressed with tests and bombarded with homework.

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