Anything you can do I can do better (Louie x Webby)

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I know I said I was going to do another song, but unfortunately I couldn't understand the song.

So I made this one I am so sorry I couldn't understand the language.

I'll make it up to you I promise .

So without further ado I introduce you

Anything you can do I can do better [requested by PandaHero585

"That was awesome! " proclaimed a young Huey .

"Heck Yeah!" Yelled a young Louie.
"Did you see the way I handled those bad guys ? " .

"Yeah, and did you see the way I handled that crook with my grappling hook?" said a very joyful Webbigail.

"Yeah, but, I think I did it better"
said Louie .

"Uh-oh" said the other brothers including their friend Dareatella.

"Excuse me?!"said an offended Webby.


Webby: "Anything you can do I can do better"

Louie: ha!

Webby: I can do anything better than you!


(Louie: no you can't

Webby: yes I can

Louie: No you can't

Webby: yes I can

Louie getting annnoyed: No you can't

Webby : Yes I can ,Yes I can )


[Dareatella: oh boi]

Louie: Anything you can be I can be greater

Louie: Sooner or later im greater than you


(Webby: No you're not

Louie: yes I am

Webby : No you're not

Louie : yes I am

Webby getting mad: NO you're not

Louie shouts: YES I AM ,YES I AM !)


[Dewey: uh , guys -]

Louie : I can shoot my target , with a single slingshot

Webby: I can get a sparrow with a bow and arrow

Louie: I can live on bread and cheese

Webby : and only on that ?

Louie : yup

Webby : Ha!, so can a rat

[Huey Dewy and darea:Ooooohhhhh]

Louie : Any note you can sing I can sing higher

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