I. Les Erreurs D'hier

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AN: not yet proofread, sorry!

Mika just finished packing the last box she was going to bring back to Manila. She couldn’t help but tear up seeing her apartment as bear as it was when she first arrived in Paris.

The apartment was formerly occupied by a high school friend that had decided to go back to the Philippines after studying college in France. The timing was perfect. When she was planning a solo vacation as a graduation gift to herself, she heard from Jessey, her best friend, that their friend was renting out an apartment in Paris. At first she was hesitant, Paris was too from home and it would cost her a huge part of her savings. But after what had happened, Paris became the right place. She accounted all the money she had earned from her endorsements and immediately bought a one way plane ticket to Paris and didn’t look back.

She sighed and picked up the last thing on her bedside table – a collage of photos of her with him, the one that got away. She didn’t notice that tears were already falling from her eyes. They weren’t tears of happiness nor were they tears of sadness. They were tears of regret. She blinked away the tears as she remembered the worst decisions she made in her life.



They have been going out for almost a month. She loved being in his company. His charming wit and the seemingly unending amount of corny jokes and pick up lines he brought every time they hang out has definitely earned him a big part of her free time.

It was already May, with the FilOil Preseason Cup ongoing and UAAP Season 76 nearing,  they both knew that juggling their schedules would be harder. Both of them will be busy with training and school work, especially him. He was the King Archer after all.

They decided to meet up before they both become busy and focus on their respective sports. It was Mika’s turn to pick where they were going to eat, and she chose Yabu.

Mika was waiting for Jeron at the Velasco gate of DLSU. Being the gentleman that he was, he offered to pick her up from DLSU even though he just came from a UAAP basketball presscon at MoA Arena.

She held her phone tightly, waiting for a text from Jeron. When it vibrated, she immediately read the message.

From: Jeron Teng

Malapit na ako, sorry for making you wait  

Mika smiled at the thought of Jeron being apologetic for being a few minutes late. That was him, the ever thoughtful gentleman.

To: Jeron Teng

No worries, nasa  velasco gate na ako btw

A few minutes after she replied, a black Fortuner stopped in front of her.

Jeron rolled down his window carrying his ever-charming smile, “Oh Miks, I know gutom ka na! Get in.”

Mika didn’t bother protesting and got into Jeron’s car at once.

When she got in, she noticed that there were so much paper bags at the back of Jeron’s car. Mika couldn’t help but ask, “Je? Bakit ang daming gamit? Did you go shopping?”

Jeron gave her his signature smirk, that never fails to crack her up because his eyes disappear every time he does it.

“Yuck, Je! Stop it, hindi bagay!” Mika playfully replied, “pero hindi nga, bakit ang dami?”

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