Chapter 27

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We were back in the throne room, but this time I sat at Malcolm's side, before an audience of dignitaries and high ranking officials. I looked out over the crowd, to a mix of curious and confused expressions. Even Caollin looked a bit perplexed at the impromptu assembly the King had ordered.

"Thank you all for attending on short notice," Malcolm said. "This will not take long, I promise."

I had suggested that we release Caollin in private, but Malcolm had insisted we do it in public. "I know Caollin," he told me. "He has a fear of addressing public crowds. He will be less likely to attempt something drastic if we surround ourselves with lots of guards and dignitaries."

He started to fidget with his ringlet again, so I grabbed his hand and held it in mine. The tremors began to cease, and I felt him squeeze back.

He took a shaking breath, and then said, "Father Caollin, you are dismissed from our faith indefinitely. You are to leave this city at once, for your inability to serve effectively and faithfully as the High Priest of the Royal Cathedrals."

The priest raised his eyebrows, as if the entire assembly had been put on for his amusement. For a moment, he simply sat in his seat, crossing his arms, contemplating. Then he stood up.

"It appears the King is feeling unwell," he said. "He has had a long day, and needs his rest. Let us adjourn this meeting. The two of us will discuss this further in private." He smiled at me. Malcolm sat frozen in his chair, and two guards got up and started to walk towards the King.

"No," I said quietly.

All eyes in the room turned towards me. Caollin's smile faltered, but Malcolm sat still, looking like he wanted to stand up and follow the guards out of the room. If that happened, then this was over. Hell, I might wake up tomorrow and not even remember my name.

"No," I said a second time, now much more forceful. "The King is not feeling unwell. Father Caollin has misled the King numerous times, and also performed the Trial of the Mind on myself, the queen, without consent. He is a toxic influence on the Champion of the Church and will therefore be banished from the capital, effective immediately."

The guards were still walking towards the throne. I held out a hand. "Stop!" I said, starting to panic. "Now!"

The guards looked torn, unsure whether to follow Caollin's command, or mine. "Your King commands you to stop," -I turned to Malcolm frantically- "isn't that right?"

He had turned as white as a ghost. I feared he would sit frozen like that until he was forcefully pried out of his throne, but then finally, he spoke. "Yes, do as she says. She is to be your queen. Now bow to her and apologize or I will have both you and your families put to death."

That did it. They both fell to their knees at my feet. "Forgive us, my queen. We are here to serve you."

My eyes found Caollin again, who was also white in the face as he watched the guards refuse his order. He turned back to me, unblinking. "My queen, with all due respect, I believe that-"

"Shut up," I said. "If I ever find you in this city again I will have you rotting in a dungeon until the day you die. Do I make myself clear?"

"That is a threat I doubt you could keep," he said slowly, looking over at the guards bowing down before me as if he wanted to run a knife through their necks. "But nevertheless, I underestimated you, Jillian Reynolds." He folded his arms, and for a second, there was the taste of lake water on my tongue. "A mistake I will not make again."

"Good," I said. "Now get the fuck out."

Father Caollin fixed his eyes on me, and I was suddenly terrified that he would do something terrible. But then he turned his back on us, cold and mechanical, and walked out of the hall without saying a word.

The echoes of the priest's heavy footsteps dissipated into nothing, and then the throne room was silent, except for the soft, musical tinkle of Alynsa's laughter, who was cackling so madly that she nearly fell out of her chair.

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End of Act I

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