~Who is she?~

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[[This is also based off of the song above.

I'm sorry if you don't like this ship but this one will only be GerIta ;;]]

[[In this one I would like to be Italy (what a shock)]]

Ludwig and Feliciano had been friends for some time now, They've grown extremely close as well and got to know a lot about each other. .
But. .
They notice something about each other. .
They feel like they've met in a life before. . .
They feel like they've met when younger. .
Have they?
Has. .
Feliciano's love returned to him?

[[Yes, From studying I believe the whole Germany is Holy Rome thingy So you'll see often that my scenarios have something to do with Germany being HRE ;;

Hey! I see where he could be him!]]

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