[Another] GerIta-Special

22 3 0

[[This shall be the arranged marriage Au!~

Yes, Yes.

I did get inspired from buon san valentino somehow.

Don't ask-]]

ʍʏ ċɦaʀaċtɛʀ~
*Loud clearing of throat* Guess-
Italy/Feliciano Vargas

ʏօʊʀ ċɦaʀaċtɛʀ~
Germany/Ludwig Belischmidt

Feliciano's grandfather had been looking for someone so he could marry for a while now.

He found no luck for most of the years before finding someone.

A German named Ludwig Belischmidt is the one he found. He immediately thought Feliciano would like someone like this.

He asked him for an arranged marriage and all and he accepted.

Years after that, The wedding was gonna be the next day and Feliciano had to exact clue who his groom was gonna be.

So, They planned out a dinner to meet each other the day before.

What happens when the two see each other for the first time?

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