Chapter 1

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Again. Keith groaned. He'd failed one of his Spanish tests again. He looked down at the small packet on his desk with a frustrated sigh. It was like the large 40% written in red ink was mocking him.

Keith knew he was bad at Spanish, but he needed to take some sort of language if he had any hopes of getting into a college. French had sounded way too complicated and besides, he'd seen Dora The Explorer as a kid, so that had to count for something, right?

Apparently it didn't, because he was still here, staring at this stupid failed grade. Keith didn't understand why he was so terrible at the language; he studied more than the average person and got near perfect marks in every other class. Maybe he just wasn't meant to be bilingual, though he didn't really believe in all that fate and destiny crap.

Keith normally wouldn't care that he wasn't good at something, but this particular something was the only thing standing between him and an Ivy League college. As a junior in high school, college was slowly becoming his one and only focus. At this point, he'd be willing to do anything to pass his Spanish class.

"Mr. Kogane," A voice pulled Keith from his thoughts.

"Yes, Mrs. McClain?" Keith replied, getting up from his seat and walking over to his teacher's desk.

Mrs. McClain was a kind woman, and an even better teacher. She was one of Keith's favorites. In fact, Keith taught her youngest son at the martial arts dojo right down the street from the high school. She was a very motherly figure, and so many students nicknamed her Mrs. Mom that it just kind of stuck. No one would ever call her that to her face though; she could be intimidating when she wanted to be.

"Keith, I've noticed you've been struggling with your assignments and tests," Mrs. McClain started, "Is there anything wrong? Have you been doing okay?"

"Oh, no. No, I'm fine. To be honest, I'm not exactly sure why my grades have been so low. I just have a really hard time really grasping the language for some reason," Keith chuckled nervously, hoping she wasn't going to remove him from the class or something like that.

"Ah, I see. Well, I think there's something I can do for you," Mrs. McClain smiled one of her signature, bright smiles. "How does a tutor sound?"

Keith hadn't realized he'd been holding his breath until he breathed out a sigh in relief. "That sounds wonderful, Mrs. McClain. Thank you! When can I start?"

"Does today right after school work for you?" The older woman asked.

"Of course!" Keith confirmed, perhaps a bit too excitedly. Though he couldn't help but wonder who his tutor could be, and how Mrs. McClain could be so sure that whoever it was would be available so quickly. Did he know them, or were they a stranger?

"Perfect, just come here after your last class," Mrs. McClain instructed, just as the bell that signaled the end of class rang throughout the school.

"Sure thing!" Keith grinned, walking back to his desk and shoving his things into his backpack, "Thank you again, Mrs. McClain!" He called to the woman as he exited the classroom, his bag slung over his shoulder.

Keith wore a rather large grin on his face as he made his way through the crowded hallway. His second class of the day was over, which meant it was time for lunch. He maneuvered his way through a cluster of people and entered his third class, walking over to his usual seat in the middle of the furthest row of desks to the left.

The black haired boy tossed his bag down onto his desk, then unzipped his red and white Adidas sweatshirt and folded it over the back of his seat, revealing the simple black t shirt he was wearing underneath. Keith looked down at his watch and reached to unzip his bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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