Underneath A Bunch Of Hanging Ninjas

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The assassins went in and............. "Dang..... this is a lot of people, and why in the heck are the ninjas hanging from the ceiling? Are they aloud to do that?" Asked LexiReign as she came to a stop in front of us. (weird noises in the background) "Thank you Skyelisia for taking over while I set up this meeting." She said. "No problem commander." Skyelisia said as she moved to the back of the line to make sure everyone is still there. (You can never trust those ceiling hanging ninjas) "STEPHENANO, WHERE ARE YOU!" Yelled LexiReign after Skyelisia told her that Stephenano was missing. "UP HERE!" Stephenano yelled as she hung from the ceiling. "THE NINJAS ARE RIGHT, THIS IS AWESOME!" She yelled as she jumped down and landed on top of DareDevil. (weird noises in the background) "Owwwwwww, that hurt."Daredevil says as he pushes Stephenano off of him. "Oh, shut up, be a man." Says Stephenano as she stands up and walks to the front of the line. "EVERYONES HERE NOW COMMANDER!!!" Yells Skyelisia as she grabs DareDevil by the ear and drags him to the back of the line. "How come she gets to be in front and I don't." Whines DareDevil. "Because I don't whine." said Stephenano said back to DareDevil making him shut up for once. The line started moving into a HUGE room on the other side where we were aloud to go a talk to other groups as long as we don't fight. Just when everyone started to get along you all heard a BANG BANG CRASH coming from outside. Everyone got into formation and waited. (weird noises in the background) "WHERE'S LEXIREIGN, I CAN'T FIND HER ANYWHERE!" Yelled Skyelisia. "I'm going out there." She said. Skyelisia walked out the door they heard some more bangs and crashes when she finally walks in holding in one hand a note and holding LexiReign on her shoulder. "SHE'S FINE JUST UNCONSCIOUS, NOW SOMEONE COME READ THIS NOTE, NOW!!!" Skyelisia ordered as she put the note on the table and slapped LexiReign. "Owwww, What the heck Skyelisia." LexiReign said as she punched Skyelisia in the jaw. "Dame commander, you have a hard swing, and I only slapped you because you were unconscious." Skyelisia said as she put ice on her jaw and went to hand LexiReign one. "What do I need this for?" LexiReign asked as she looked at it. "Its for the bruises on your face." Skyelisia said. "What bruises?" LexiReign asked. "These ones..." Skyelisia said as she slammed the ice onto her face. "OWW! Meanie," LexiReign said as she pouts. "GUYS, THIS ISN'T LEXIREIGN, SHE DIDN'T PUNCH ME!!!" Yelled Skyelisia. (weird noises in the background) BAM, LexiReign punched Skyelisia right in the jaw (again). "NEVER MIND, IT IS HER!!!" Skyelisia yelled as she put more ice on her jaw. "YO, THE NOTE SAID THAT.............WE HAVE THE PRINCESS, IF YOU WANT HER BACK COME AND FIND HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Said WaterLily. "Huh?" X said. "X, You say the stupidest things sometimes, ya know that?" LexiReign sighs. "What the note means is that the Black Dragon Society has kidnapped the princess of England." Says LexiReign as she walks to the front of the room. "Heyyyyyyy, I'm not that stupid LexiReign." X whined. "No, you're right, you're even more stupid than I thought." LexiReign said completely serious. "HEYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" X whined crossing his arms. "Ohhh. ya know it true, ya idiot!!!" Snapped The UnderTaker. "OHHHH, WOULD YOUS ALL SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP!!!" LexiReign Yelled. (Thats right, LexiReign's british cause she's BOSS!!!) "YA KNOW YOURS ACCENTS COMEN THROUGH AGAIN, RIGHT!!!" Yelled Skyelisia.

"YAY, BUT SO'S YOURS!!!" LexiReign Yelled back. (weird noises in the background) "YO, CAN YA GET TO THE POINT ALREADY!!!" Stephenano yelled annoyed. "NO, WE WANT TO SEE THE GIRL FIGHT GO DOWN, DON'T STOP NOW!!!" Billy Bob Jr. The Third and Bob The Builder yelled in sync. Everyone got silent and looked at them. They then heard singing. "Yo ho ho and the merry old land said he, we're..." Edsio and Altair sang as everyone stopped and looked at them. "What?" They asked as they noticed everyone looking at them. The two boys looked at each other and broke down laughing. Everyone looked at each other thinking the exact same thing... They. Are. So. Stupid. And. Totally. Insane. (weird noises in the background) Suddenly X dropped a bucket of ice cold water he weirdly had in his hand for some unknown reason on their heads. "Ahhhh." The two boys yelled as the bolted up and tackled X to the ground. The three boys were fighting when Skyelisia and LexiReign got over there. LexiReign Pickup Billy Bob Jr. The Third in one hand and Bob The Builder in the other while Skyelisia grabbed and held X with on hand and used the other to tie him up then went to help LexiReign tie up the rest of them. "HEY LET US G.........." The three boys started before Stephenano put duct tape over their mouths and sedated them. Everyone just stared at her. (weird noises in the background) "What?" asked Stephenano. "I got them to be quiet and this way we won't have to deal with them for a few hours." "At least their quiet." Said StarHuntress appearing out of thin air, with Vicky/Vivi the killer coming out of the floor behind her. "TWINNY!" Screamed The UnderTaker as she launched herself at StarHuntress. "AHHH!" Yelled StarHuntress as she was tackled to the ground. "SOMEONE GET HER OFF, I CAN'T BREATH!" Shouted StarHuntress. Vicky grabbed UnderTaker and pulled her off and then helped StarHuntress up off the ground. "Thanks Vivi." Said StarHuntress. "Hey, where's Tails, and NightWing?" Edsio asked scaring StarHuntress and making Vivi punch him. "HEY!" "What was that for?" He asked. "For scaring me, you idiot." Vivi said "YO EDSIO!" BlackHood yelled as he throw him an ice pack. "THANKS!" Edsio yelled back. "Where in the world of killer's are we getting all these ice packs from?" Asked X as he woke up. (weird noises in the background) "What?" He asked as everyone stared at him. "Nothing." Tails said as she awkwardly walked into the room. "You're just being stupid like usual." NightWing finished jumping in from the skylight. (the window connected to the roof) "When did that window get there?" EvilDr.GummyBear said from behind Vicky the killer. " Lo-co cut it into the roof for some reason, to tell you the truth I have no idea as to why he did it." LexiReign said. "Wait, Where is Lo-co?" She added. "And where in the world of killers did Skyelisia go?" "YO, BOSS!" Shouted Skyelisia. (weird noises in the background) "Lo-co had tied his shopping cart to a black SUV and took a nap in his cart the SUV started and took off he told me that it's apparently the people who knocked you out and left the note what we going to do?" She said all in one breath. "Well first off you're going to tell me how you said all that in one breath, and second of all we'll just bring up the traffic cams and follow the SUV and Lo-co on those." LexiReign said as she started walking towards the computers. "Well WaterLily, you are good with hacking." She said. "So hack those cams, fast." WaterLily hacked into (weird noises in the background) the traffic cams and everyone watched as the SUV took off toward the pier and stopped. They watched as a man or woman in a black mask opened the back doors and dragged lo-co into the back of the SUV. They continued to watch as the SUV started again and took off into the water and turned into a boat. "I want that." The UnderTaker said as her jaw hung open. "We know you do sis, but keep your mouth shut or you'll catch flies, either that or a bird will nest in your mouth." StarHuntress said as she closed her twins mouth with her finger. (weird noises in the background) "Okay, WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT?" Screamed LexiReign frustrated. Everyone turns to look at Void of the Envy as Revan and James Bond tackled him, grabbed his rubix cube and duct taped him to the wall. They then proceeded to throw the cube out the window smashing the glass to tiny microscopic pieces.  

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