Recruiting Alyssia

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Valeriya wasn't sure why they were going to New York after they had failed so badly at recruiting Scarlet. Liliya on the other hand was determined to get Alyssia on their side. " So Amelia have any tips on getting Alyssia on our side?" Valeriya asked rasing her eyebrow. " Just mention Astrid and Rosa and she should help us." Amelia said bluntly.
" Why would that convince her to help us?" Sasha said skeptically and Valeriya agreed with her in the likeness of that working. " Well considering they're family then I'd say we have pretty good chances with that." Amelia grinned. " Wait then why doesn't Alyssia live with Astrid?" Liliya said. " Alyssia got in a very bad car crash that ended up paralyzing her for life. On her certificate it says to pull the plug on her if something like that were to happen. Fortunately Astrid brought her back to life, but Alyssia still holds a grudge for her." Amelia sighed. " Why does everything have to be complicated." Valeriya sighed. " So what's Rosa's part in it?" Lila asked. " Rosa as you probably guessed is actually named Rozalyn Ida Matthews or Alyssia's sister that Rosa thought died in the car
accident. " Amelia explained. " She introduced herself as Rosalina when we met though." Valeriya said confused. " She isn't the happiest with Astrid at the moment either, but in her defense she had just came out of escaping Toxic Waste I don't think she was ready to take care of two kids." Amelia informed. " Astrid told me about her time there and I can understand why it seemed awful." Liliya said. " Well this is it." Amelia gestured to the small purple house. Valeriya stepped forward softly knocking on the door. " Coming!"a woman's voice responded. They waited a few moments before a blonde teenager opened the door. She wore a purple dress that brought out her green eyes and had tanner skin.
" May I help you all?" She asked.
" We're here about your mom and sister they're in danger." Valeriya said her voice was quiet, but the urgency in it was clear. " Well in that case come on in. You can tell me who you are when you sit down." She smiled her teeth shining. " I'm Lila Black a daughter of Kore." Lila started. " I'm Liliya Ivanov I'm Lily's daughter." Liliya introduced and they all looked at her confused at the name Lily. " I'm Sasha Kang Liliya's adopted sister." Sasha said." Amelia Lighter and I'm living with Astrid as of now." Amelia said with a small smile. " Valeriya I'm just here for transportation." Valeriya said shyly waving at her. " Well I'm Alyssia Matthews though I'm guessing you already knew that." She laughed. " It's a pleasure to meet you." Valeriya told her with grin. " Now what has my mother done now?" Alyssia asked her face turning serious. " It's my fault for coming to visit after causing the chaos with Toxic Waste last year. Either way they were attacked a couple days ago and they have started to threaten Rosa with Astrid, Kore, and Cynthia's lives." Liliya explained.
" They had started by attacking, but Rosa caused a state wide storm that also ended up giving her a fever." Valeriya added. " That's Rosa for you. Extremely strong, but reckless as hell." Alyssia laughed. " Anyway it would be appreciated if you would help us get them back." Lila said concluding their situation. " How many of you are there and what all can you do?" Alyssia asked. " Well me and Lila are Learners." Liliya started.
" I'm a light wielder and they got a girl named Dawn who is one as well." Amelia said. " I make portals and we have a generic Psychic named Celestia." Sasha told her. " We have an assassin Aqualia who makes Psychic weapons and I'm chaos magic. We have the human siren Valentia and a shapeshifter/Shadow Controller/ familiar maker Zia." Valeriya finished. " Oh and a fire/phaser elemental named Katrina." Lila added. " You've got quite the team there, but I do have one favour to ask of you all." Alyssia said. " Anything." Valeriya nodded at her. " I get to visit Rosa and tell her about me before anything else." Alyssia said. " We wouldn't have it any other way." Valeriya told her. They all grabbed hands and Liliya took them back. They appeared in front of Lila's house. " Mom we're back!" Lila yelled. " Who are your two new members?" She asked used to the additional people. " I'm Amelia Lighter and I'm a healer. Where is Rosa?" She asked. Mrs Averin pointed to a direction and Amelia left. " I'm Alyssia Matthews Rosa's sister." Alyssia said. " Well then you're welcome to stay as long as you want sweetheart I'll take you to her." Mrs Averin smiled. Liliya followed them leaving her, Lila, and Sasha. " I should get going my mom will be wondering where I am." Valeriya told them. " I'll walk home with you." Sasha told her. The two walked in silence occasionally Sasha would ask something, but it was a one way conversation. " You don't have to do this if you don't want to Val." Sasha told her. " I don't have to do what?" Valeriya asked confused. " I know you were shook up pretty badly last time by Toxic Waste and I'm just saying you don't have to go if you don't want to." Sasha told her and Valeriya was surprised that Sasha was the one saying this though Sasha was the closest to her. " And let you guys have all the fun? No way am I missing out. Besides you guys clearly need the help." Valeriya laughed. Sasha gave a sigh of relief before she went inside her house. Valeriya walked the rest of the way home before going to her room to catch up on the homework that Celestia hadn't already done for her.

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