Chapter 11

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I wake to the sound of an obnoxious beeping.  It is a strain, but I slowly pry open my eyes, only to be blinded by a bright, artificial light. I smell strong antiseptic, an intense, sterile smell, and begin to cough. A flash of white hot pain sears through my head, sending me reeling back against my pillow. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for it to pass.

                When the pain finally ebbs, I open my eyes again, more coherent. I recognize the dividing curtains and the metal railings along my bed. Just some of the defining characteristics of a hospital room. I see lots of different tubes around me and trace one back to the crease of my elbow. I shudder. I have always hated needles.

                I stretch my hand up cautiously and feel along my forehead. Instead of the bleeding gash I remember, I feel a large compress in its place. I vacantly wonder how long I’ve been here. Just then, a knock sounds at the door and a small nurse with a sweet smile enters.

                “Oh good honey, you’re up! You know we’d been worrying when you didn’t wake up for all that time, I just didn’t know what to do! ‘Let her rest, let her rest!’ they said, but sugar, the way you conked out, I was so worried…” she mindlessly babbles on, adjusting this and that as she goes. I interrupt her rant; the noise is killing my head.

                “Um, excuse me, but how long have I been asleep?” I ask hesitantly, afraid of the answer.

                “Oh honey, you’ve been out for three whole days!” I gasp. How is that even possible? The nurse rambles on, “Sweetheart, when that precious boy dropped you off, quite the looker, I might add, your head was oozing and you were so dehydrated, you’re lucky to be alive! The doctor stitched your head all up and, oh my, I almost forgot. Well, you see, hun, when we changed you into your hospital gown, we saw some stuff…” she becomes quieter and quieter as she is filling me in on the events of the past three days.

                “Baby girl, what on earth happened to you?” she whispers, nothing but concern in her eyes. I freeze. She has discovered my secret. I hear the heart monitor begin to beep faster and faster, but the noise fades into the background as I try to come up with an explanation for my mangled body.

                “I, I, I tripped,” I finally manage. The nurse’s eyes tighten and she leans in closer.

                “Now darling, you need to tell me the truth right now. We want to help you get better, but there ain’t nothing we can do unless you’re honest with us.” I look down, unable to meet her intense gaze. A silent tear trickles down my cheek and I pray silently that my father won’t break me when he hears that I have told our secret.

                “It was…my father.” I whisper. Her horrified expression confirms all my suspicions, there will be no escaping his wrath now.

                “Honey, I am so sorry.” She lays a soft hand over mine in a sweet, maternal gesture. I finally look up into her wide eyes.

                “What’s going to happen to me?” I ask her quietly. “I’m not sure sweetie, but don’t you worry, he won’t ever touch you again.” She slowly moves back and with one more worried glance at me, leaves the room. I am left alone with my racing thought, which is a form of torture in its own way.

                I hear the door creak again and look up, expecting the nurse, but instead a welcome sight greets me.

                “Gracee!” Xander breathes, exuberant. “You’re awake! How are you feeling? Are you hurt?” He reaches me and bends down to give me a hug. I try to smile, but it quickly turns into a grimace as my head painfully flares suddenly.

                “Oh, do you need the nurse?” he asks, a concerned look on his face.

                “No, she just came in. I think the painkillers should be kicking in soon anyways.” I can already feel them, seeping into my bloodstream, and my body begins to feel heavier and heavier.

                “Hey Grace, look, I, well, I heard the nurse talking about you outside…I had no idea. Gracee, I’m really sorry. I wish you could’ve told me. But listen, I swear, he’s never gonna hurt you again, alright? Now you just get some sleep, okay? Get some sleep and I’ll be right here when you wake up. And Gracee? I...”

                He said something else but by then I had already drifted to sleep.

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